Google Patents API
Google Patents API allows you to scrape patent and scholar results from Google Patents. The API is accessed through the following endpoint: /search?engine=google_patents
. A user may query the following:
utilizing a GET
request. Head to the playground for a live and interactive demo.
API Parameters
Search Query
Parameter defines the query you want to search. You can split multiple search terms with semicolon ;
. For advanced search syntax, please refer to About Google Patents.
Example for single search term:(Coffee) OR (Tea)
Example for multiple search terms (separated by semicolon ;
):(Coffee) OR (Tea);(A47J)
Advanced Google Patents Parameters
Parameter defines the sorting method. By default, the results are sorted by Relevance.
List of supported values are:new
- Newestold
- Oldest
Patent results are sorted by filing_date
while scholar results are sorted by publication_date
for new
and old
Parameter defines how the results should be grouped.
List of supported values are:true
- Classification
Parameter defines the method of deduplication. Either Family (default) or Publication.
List of supported values are:language
- Publication
Date Range
Advanced Filters
Parameter filters patent results by countries. Split multiple country codes with ,
List of supported country codes.
Parameter filters patent results by languages. Split multiple languages with ,
List of supported values are:ENGLISH
Parameter filters patent results by status.
List of supported values are:GRANT
- Application
Serpapi Parameters
Parameter will force SerpApi to fetch the Google Patents results even if a cached version is already present. A cache is served only if the query and all parameters are exactly the same. Cache expires after 1h. Cached searches are free, and are not counted towards your searches per month. It can be set to false
(default) to allow results from the cache, or true
to disallow results from the cache. no_cache and async parameters should not be used together.
Parameter defines the way you want to submit your search to SerpApi. It can be set to false
(default) to open an HTTP connection and keep it open until you got your search results, or true
to just submit your search to SerpApi and retrieve them later. In this case, you'll need to use our Searches Archive API to retrieve your results. async and no_cache parameters should not be used together. async should not be used on accounts with Ludicrous Speed enabled.
Enterprise only. Parameter enables ZeroTrace mode. It can be set to false
(default) or true
. Enable this mode to skip storing search parameters, search files, and search metadata on our servers. This may make debugging more difficult.
API Results
JSON Results
JSON output includes structured data for Organic Results and Summary.
A search status is accessible through search_metadata.status
. It flows this way: Processing
-> Success
|| Error
. If a search has failed, error
will contain an error message.
is the search ID inside SerpApi.
HTML Results
This API does not have html response, just a text. search_metadata.prettify_html_file
contains prettified version of result. It is displayed in playground.
API Examples
JSON structure overview
"organic_results": [
"position": "Integer - Position of the organic result",
"rank": "Integer - Rank of the organic result - It may be different from `position` when the results are grouped",
"cpc": "String - Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) to the patent", // only present when `cluster` parameter is set to `true`
"cpc_descrition": "String - The description of the CPC", // only present when `cluster` parameter is set to `true`
"title": "String - The title of the patent / scholar",
"snippet": "String - The snippet of the patent / scholar",
"publication_date": "String - The publication date of the patent / scholar",
"is_scholar": "Boolean - True if it's a scholar (Google Scholar) result",
"patent_id": "String - ID of the patent",
"scholar_id": "String - ID of the scholar",
"patent_link": "String - URL to the patent page",
"scholar_link": "String - URL to the scholar page",
"serpapi_link": "String - URL to SerpApi Google Patents Details API",
// following fields are patent results only
"priority_date": "String - The priority date",
"filing_date": "String - The filed date",
"grant_date": "String - The granted date",
"inventor": "String - Name of the inventor",
"assignee": "String - Name of the assignee",
"publication_number": "String - Publication number of the patent",
"language": "String - Language of the patent",
"thumbnail": "String - URL to the thumbnail of the patent",
"pdf": "String - URL to the PDF document of the patent",
"figures": "Array - URLs to more images of the patent, normally includes a `thumnail` and a `full` sized image",
"country_status": "Hash - Statuses of the patent in each country. The key is the country code, the value is one of `ACTIVE`, `NOT_ACTIVE`, `UNKNOWN`",
// following fields are scholar results only
"url_hostname": "String - Hostname of the scholar's URL",
"author": "String - Name of the author",
"author_etal": "Boolean - Whether this scholar has three or more authors",
"publication_venue": "String - Venue of publication",
"summary": {
"assignee": [
"key": "String - Name of the assignee",
"percentage": "String - Percentage of the assignee",
"frequency": [
"year_range": "String - Year range of the item",
"percentage": "String - Percentage of the year range",
"inventor": "Array - Summary of the inventors, the structure is the same as `assignee`",
"cpc": "Array - Summary of the CPCs, the structure is the same as `assignee`",
Example with q: (Coffee)

"search_metadata": {
"id": "64afe2d915afff17e18d922f",
"status": "Success",
"json_endpoint": "",
"created_at": "2023-07-13 11:41:13 UTC",
"processed_at": "2023-07-13 11:41:13 UTC",
"google_patents_url": "",
"raw_html_file": "",
"prettify_html_file": "",
"total_time_taken": 1.09
"search_parameters": {
"engine": "google_patents",
"q": "(Coffee)"
"search_information": {
"total_results": 125048,
"total_pages": 100,
"page_number": 0
"organic_results": [
"position": 1,
"rank": 0,
"patent_id": "patent/US8110241B2/en",
"patent_link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"title": "Foaming soluble coffee powder containing pressurized gas",
"snippet": "An instant coffee powder has dried soluble coffee in the form of particles or granules having internal voids filled with entrapped pressurized gas. Advantageously, when the coffee powder is dissolved in a beverage, the instant coffee powder produces a foam on the top surface of the beverage.",
"priority_date": "2004-08-17",
"filing_date": "2010-04-27",
"grant_date": "2012-02-07",
"publication_date": "2012-02-07",
"inventor": "Bary Lyn Zeller",
"assignee": "Kraft Foods Global Brands Llc",
"publication_number": "US8110241B2",
"language": "en",
"thumbnail": "",
"pdf": "",
"figures": [
"thumbnail": "",
"full": ""
"thumbnail": "",
"full": ""
"country_status": {
"position": 2,
"rank": 1,
"patent_id": "patent/RU2766609C2/en",
"patent_link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"title": "Roasted and ground powdered coffee and methods for its production",
"snippet": "1. Dried roasted and ground coffee product containing particles of roasted and ground coffee, which are infused and/or coated with soluble coffee solids in an amount of 20-50 wt.%, and while these soluble coffee solids were subjected to extraction at a temperature below 60 °C 2. The dried roasted …",
"priority_date": "2016-12-23",
"filing_date": "2017-12-22",
"grant_date": "2022-03-15",
"publication_date": "2022-03-15",
"inventor": "Федерико МОРА",
"assignee": "Сосьете Де Продюи Нестле С.А.",
"publication_number": "RU2766609C2",
"language": "en",
"thumbnail": "",
"pdf": "",
"figures": [
"thumbnail": "",
"full": ""
"country_status": {
"position": 3,
"rank": 2,
"patent_id": "patent/US8495950B2/en",
"patent_link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"title": "Method and apparatus for brewing coffee via universal coffee brewing chart …",
"snippet": "wherein the brew formula ratio is a constant for different size batches of coffee brewed in accordance with the brew formula ratio. 11. The method of claim 4 , further comprising determining a projected target total dissolved solids (TDS) value for a coffee brew sample brewed as specified by the …",
"priority_date": "2008-10-08",
"filing_date": "2008-10-08",
"grant_date": "2013-07-30",
"publication_date": "2013-07-30",
"inventor": "Vincent Fedele",
"assignee": "Voice Systems Technology, Inc.",
"publication_number": "US8495950B2",
"language": "en",
"thumbnail": "",
"pdf": "",
"figures": [
"thumbnail": "",
"full": ""
"thumbnail": "",
"full": ""
"thumbnail": "",
"full": ""
"country_status": {
"summary": {
"assignee": [
"key": "Total",
"percentage": 100.0,
"frequency": [
"year_range": "2022-2025",
"percentage": 0.1
"year_range": "2019-2022",
"percentage": 2.7
"key": "Nestec S.A.",
"percentage": 1.5,
"frequency": [
"year_range": "2013-2016",
"percentage": 0.1
"year_range": "2010-2013",
"percentage": 0.4
"key": "Societe Des Produits Nestle S.A.",
"percentage": 1.2,
"frequency": [
"year_range": "2019-2022",
"percentage": 0.1
"year_range": "2013-2016",
"percentage": 0.2
"inventor": [
"key": "Total",
"percentage": 100.0,
"frequency": [
"year_range": "2022-2025",
"percentage": 0.1
"year_range": "2019-2022",
"percentage": 2.7
"key": "Ernesto Illy",
"percentage": 0.6,
"frequency": [
"year_range": "1989-1992",
"percentage": 0.1
"year_range": "1983-1986",
"percentage": 0.1
"key": "Daniel Fischer",
"percentage": 0.6,
"frequency": [
"year_range": "2007-2010",
"percentage": 0.1
"year_range": "2004-2007",
"percentage": 0.1
"cpc": [
"key": "Total",
"percentage": 100.0,
"frequency": [
"year_range": "2022-2025",
"percentage": 0.1
"year_range": "2019-2022",
"percentage": 2.7
"key": "A47J",
"percentage": 66.7,
"frequency": [
"year_range": "2022-2025",
"percentage": 0.1
"year_range": "2019-2022",
"percentage": 1.7
"key": "A23F",
"percentage": 19.5,
"frequency": [
"year_range": "2022-2025",
"percentage": 0.1
"year_range": "2019-2022",
"percentage": 0.8
"pagination": {
"current": 0,
"next": ""
"serpapi_pagination": {
"current": 0,
"next": ""