Naver Video Results

Naver search has another search type called video. It contains its own video results. Some results are simple and straightforward. Others include rich data like views count, thumbnails, and other special snippets. SerpApi is able to scrape, extract, and make sense of both simple and more complex video results.

When SerpApi encounters video results, we add them to our JSON output as the array video_results. For each video result, we are able to extract its position, title, link, origin, publish_date, channel, duration, and more.

API Examples

Naver Search Results for Coffee

Naver Search Results for Coffee

JSON Example

"video_results": [
         "position": 1,
         "title": "닥터바리스타 버터커피 BUTTER COFFEE / made by 키토선생",
         "link": "",
         "duration": "00:26",
         "origin": "네이버 카페",
         "publish_date": "14시간 전",
         "thumbnail": "",
         "channel": {
            "name": "씨씨앙-국내1위 다이어트 커뮤니티(식단,운동,후기,리뷰,보조제)",
            "link": ""
         "position": 2,
         "title": "My Sweety(프롬올투휴먼#NHN#커피빅(COFFEE BIG))",
         "link": "",
         "duration": "03:51",
         "origin": "VIBE",
         "publish_date": "2021.08.25.",
         "thumbnail": ""
         "position": 3,
         "title": "Espresso comes in seconds , , , IMONS COFFEE MAKER REVIEW",
         "link": "",
         "duration": "05:50",
         "origin": "Youtube",
         "views": "5,490",
         "publish_date": "2021.10.19.",
         "thumbnail": "",
         "channel": {
            "name": "BARISTAJOY바리스타조이",
            "link": ""
         "position": 4,
         "title": "커피부터 와인까지 신논현카페 N Coffee Studio 엔커피스튜디오",
         "link": "",
         "duration": "00:35",
         "origin": "네이버 블로그",
         "publish_date": "2021.10.19.",
         "thumbnail": "",
         "channel": {
            "name": "하루 한 곡, ♩♪ ♬",
            "link": ""
         "position": 5,
         "title": "용산 오츠커피 (oats coffee) 아인슈페너 맛집",
         "link": "",
         "duration": "00:26",
         "origin": "네이버 블로그",
         "publish_date": "2021.10.12.",
         "thumbnail": "",
         "channel": {
            "name": "좋은일들만기록하는그림일기",
            "link": ""
         "position": 6,
         "title": "의정부 coffee class",
         "link": "",
         "duration": "00:36",
         "origin": "네이버 블로그",
         "publish_date": "2021.10.14.",
         "thumbnail": "",
         "channel": {
            "name": "심심(心愖)한 일상",
            "link": ""
         "position": 7,
         "title": "Coffee(Quinn Xcii#NHN#Marc E. Bassy)",
         "link": "",
         "duration": "03:02",
         "origin": "VIBE",
         "publish_date": "2020.05.20.",
         "thumbnail": ""
         "position": 8,
         "title": "베트남 에그 커피 / egg coffee 계란거피 에그거품커피",
         "link": "",
         "duration": "02:15",
         "origin": "네이버TV",
         "views": "114",
         "publish_date": "2020.12.02.",
         "thumbnail": "",
         "channel": {
            "name": "샐럽요리",
            "link": ""