Google Light Related Questions API

For some searches, Google search includes a related questions "People also ask" block. SerpApi is able to scrape, extract, and make sense of this information.

Example with q: Cat

Example with q: Cat

JSON Example

  "related_questions": [
      "question": "What is a female cat called?",
      "snippet": "A male cat is called a tom or tomcat (or a gib, if neutered). A female is called a queen (or sometimes a molly, if spayed).",
      "snippet_highlighted_words": [
        "a queen (or sometimes a molly, if spayed)"
      "title": "Cat - Wikipedia",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › wiki › Cat",
      "more_results_link": ""
      "question": "Do cats live longer than dogs?",
      "snippet": "Cats live up to around 15-20 years - between 5-10 years longer than dogs. There are evolutionary and man-made reasons for the difference in life expectancy, including breeding and behavior. Healthcare for pets has advanced over the years, and is increasing both cat and dog lifespans.",
      "snippet_highlighted_words": [
        "Cats live up to around 15-20 years - between 5-10 years longer than dogs"
      "title": "Why Do Cats Live Longer Than Dogs?",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › why-do-cats-live-longer-than-dogs",
      "more_results_link": ""
      "question": "How long do cat cats live?",
      "snippet": "The average lifespan for a pet cat is probably around 13 to 14 years. However, although their lifespan varies, a well cared for cat may commonly live to 15 or beyond, some make it to 18 or 20 and a few extraordinary felines even pass 25 or 30 years of age.",
      "snippet_highlighted_words": [
        "13 to 14 years"
      "title": "Life stages - Cat Care for Life",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › cat-owners › lifestages",
      "more_results_link": ""

Example with q: What is matcha?

For some questions, the answer is displayed in a list format. SerpApi is able to extract this information as rich_snippet.lists. In addition, snippet is also included in the result and it is the combination of text in the list.

Example with q: What is matcha?

JSON Example

  "related_questions": [
      "question": "What are the benefits of drinking matcha?",
      "rich_snippet": {
        "lists": [
          "The health benefits of matcha tea",
          "Is high in cancer-fighting antioxidants, particularly the catechin epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)",
          "Contains fiber, which promotes healthy digestion.",
          "Contains vitamin C, chromium, magnesium, selenium and zinc.",
          "May help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol."
      "snippet": "The health benefits of matcha tea\nIs high in cancer-fighting antioxidants, particularly the catechin epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)\nContains fiber, which promotes healthy digestion.\nContains vitamin C, chromium, magnesium, selenium and zinc.\nMay help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol.",
      "title": "The Important Health Benefits Of Matcha Tea - Piedmont Healthcare",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › living-real-change › the-health-benefits-of-matcha-tea",
      "more_results_link": ""

Example with q: Cat and  device: mobile

For some questions, the answer is displayed in a table format. SerpApi is able to extract this information as rich_snippet.table and rich_snippet.formatted. In addition, snippet is also included in the result and it is the combination of text in the table.

Example with q: Cat and  device: mobile

JSON Example

  "related_questions": [
      "question": "What age is a cat a cat?",
      "rich_snippet": {
        "table": [
            "Life Stage",
            "Cat's Actual Age",
            "Human Age Equivalent"
            "12 months 3 months 6 months",
            "0–1 year 4 years 10 years"
            "12 months 18 months 2 years",
            "15 years 21 years 24 years"
            "3–6 years",
            "28–40 years"
            "7–10 years",
            "44–56 years"
        "formatted": [
            "life_stage": "Kitten",
            "cat_s_actual_age": "12 months 3 months 6 months",
            "human_age_equivalent": "0–1 year 4 years 10 years"
            "life_stage": "Junior",
            "cat_s_actual_age": "12 months 18 months 2 years",
            "human_age_equivalent": "15 years 21 years 24 years"
            "life_stage": "Prime",
            "cat_s_actual_age": "3–6 years",
            "human_age_equivalent": "28–40 years"
            "life_stage": "Mature",
            "cat_s_actual_age": "7–10 years",
            "human_age_equivalent": "44–56 years"
      "snippet": "Life Stage | Cat's Actual Age | Human Age Equivalent\nKitten | 12 months 3 months 6 months | 0–1 year 4 years 10 years\nJunior | 12 months 18 months 2 years | 15 years 21 years 24 years\nPrime | 3–6 years | 28–40 years\nMature | 7–10 years | 44–56 years",
      "title": "Calculating Your Pet's Age in Cat Years - IAMS",
      "link": "",
      "displayed_link": " › cat › cat-articles › calcu...",
      "more_results_link": ""

JSON structure overview

  "related_questions": [
      "question": "String - Displayed question",
      "snippet": "String - Snippet of the answer",
      "snippet_highlighted_words":  "Array - Highlighted words in the answer",
      "rich_snippet": {
        "lists": "Array - Answer snippet in a list of text",
        "table": "Array - Answer snippet in a table format",
        "formatted": "Array/Hash - Formatted answer snippet in a table format",
      "title": "String - Title of the website",
      "link": "String - Link of the website",
      "displayed_link":  "String - Displayed link of the website",
      "more_results_link":  "String - Google search URL of the question",