Yahoo! Images API

Our Yahoo! Images API allows you to scrape SERP results from Yahoo! Images. The API is accessed through the following endpoint: /search?engine=yahoo_images.

A user may query the following: utilizing a GET request. Head to the playground for a live and interactive demo.

API Parameters

Search Query



Parameter defines the search query. You can use anything that you would use in a regular Yahoo! Images search.




Parameter defines the Yahoo! domain to use. It defaults to If specified domain is allowed, it will be prepended to the domain (e.g., You can check a full list of supported Yahoo! domains.

Advanced Yahoo Images Parameters



Parameter is used for filtering images by size. It can be set to:

small - Small
medium - Medium
large - Large
wallpaper - Extra Large



Parameter is used for filtering images by color. It can be set to:

color - Color Only
bw - Black & white
red - Red color
orange - Orange color
yellow - Yellow color
green - Green color
teal - Teal color
blue - Blue color
purple - Purple color
pink - Pink color
brown - Brown color
black - Black color
gray - Gray color
white - White color



Parameter is used for filtering images by image type. It can be set to:

photo - Photo
clipart - Clipart
linedrawing - Line Drawing
gif - Animated GIF
transparent - Transparent



Parameter is used for filtering images by layout. It can be set to:

square - Square
wide - Wide
tall - Tall



Parameter is used for filtering images by people. It can be set to:

face - Faces Only
portrait - Head & Shoulders
nonportrait - No People



Parameter is used for filtering images by time. It can be set to:

day - Past 24 hours
week - Past week
month - Past month
year - Past year



Parameter is used for filtering images by usage rights. It can be set to:

cc - All Creative Commons
pd - Public Domain
fsu - Free to share and use
fsuc - Free to share and use commercially
fmsu - Free to modify, share and use
fmsuc - Free to modify, share, and use commercially




Parameter defines the result offset. It skips the given number of results. It's used for pagination. (e.g., 1 (default) starts from the first result, 61 starts from the 61st result, 121 starts from the 121st result, etc.).

Serpapi Parameters



Set parameter to yahoo_images to use the Yahoo! Images API engine.



Parameter defines the device to use to get the results. It can be set to desktop (default) to use a regular browser, tablet to use a tablet browser (currently using iPads), or mobile to use a mobile browser (currently using iPhones).



Parameter will force SerpApi to fetch the Yahoo! Images results even if a cached version is already present. A cache is served only if the query and all parameters are exactly the same. Cache expires after 1h. Cached searches are free, and are not counted towards your searches per month. It can be set to false (default) to allow results from the cache, or true to disallow results from the cache. no_cache and async parameters should not be used together.



Parameter defines the way you want to submit your search to SerpApi. It can be set to false (default) to open an HTTP connection and keep it open until you got your search results, or true to just submit your search to SerpApi and retrieve them later. In this case, you'll need to use our Searches Archive API to retrieve your results. async and no_cache parameters should not be used together. async should not be used on accounts with Ludicrous Speed enabled.



Parameter defines the SerpApi private key to use.



Parameter defines the final output you want. It can be set to json (default) to get a structured JSON of the results, or html to get the raw html retrieved.

API Results

JSON Results

JSON output includes structured data for images results.

A search status is accessible through search_metadata.status. It flows this way: Processing -> Success || Error. If a search has failed, error will contain an error message. is the search ID inside SerpApi.

HTML Results

HTML output is useful to debug JSON results or support features not supported yet by SerpApi.
HTML output gives you the raw HTML results from Yahoo! Images.

API Examples

JSON structure overview

  "images_results": [
      "thumbnail": "String - URL to the image thumbnail",
      "link": "String - URL to the image",
      "title": "String - Title of the image result",
      "original": "String - URL to the original upload of the image",
      "source": "String - Source URL of the website containing the image result",
      "size": "String - Size of the image"
      "position": "Integer - Position of the image result"
  "related_searches": [
      "name": "String - Related query (e.g. `coffee beans`)",
      "link": "String - URL to the related search",
      "serpapi_link": "String - URL to SerpApi Yahoo! Images Scraper API"
  "suggested_searches": [
      "name": "String - Yahoo! image suggested search query (e.g. `coffee beans`)",
      "link": "String - URL to the suggested search search",
      "serpapi_link": "String - URL to SerpApi Yahoo! Images Scraper API"
  "shopping_results": [
      "title": "String - Title of the item result",
      "link": "String - URL to the item",
      "thumbnail": "String - URL to the item thumbnail",
      "seller": "String - Seller's name of the item result",
      "price": {
        "value": "String - Price value of the item",
        "extracted_value": "Numeric - Extracted price value of the item",

Example results for coffee

Images results can contain thumbnail, link, title, original, source, size, and position.

Example results for coffee

JSON Example

  "search_metadata": {
    "id": "63088716944893c2ddd54d3e",
    "status": "Success",
    "json_endpoint": "",
    "created_at": "2022-08-26 08:40:54 UTC",
    "processed_at": "2022-08-26 08:40:54 UTC",
    "yahoo_images_url": "",
    "raw_html_file": "",
    "total_time_taken": 1.52
  "search_parameters": {
    "engine": "yahoo_images",
    "p": "coffee"
  "images_results": [
      "thumbnail": "",
      "link": "<link to the image>",
      "title": "Coffee Addiction! Can it be tamed? - Indigo Finance",
      "original": "",
      "source": "",
      "size": "449.0KB",
      "position": 1
      "thumbnail": "",
      "link": "<link to the image>",
      "title": "Best Coffee is Like Magic •",
      "original": "",
      "source": "",
      "size": "156.8KB",
      "position": 2
      "thumbnail": "",
      "link": "<link to the image>",
      "title": "Bulletproof Coffee: What&#39;s the hype? -",
      "original": "",
      "source": "",
      "size": "752.8KB",
      "position": 3
  "related_searches": [
      "name": "Fancy Coffee",
      "link": ";_ylt=AwrjYtUFoyFjR.MX_dOJzbkF;_ylu=aXQDQWxzb1RyeV9FBHNlYwNyZWwtZWFzdARzbGsDdGV4dARwb3MDMQ--?p=Fancy Coffee&fr2=p:s,v:i,m:rs-algo-rel&",
      "serpapi_link": ""
      "name": "Italian Coffee",
      "link": ";_ylt=AwrjYtUFoyFjR.MX_tOJzbkF;_ylu=aXQDQWxzb1RyeV9FBHNlYwNyZWwtZWFzdARzbGsDdGV4dARwb3MDMg--?p=Italian Coffee&fr2=p:s,v:i,m:rs-algo-rel&",
      "serpapi_link": ""
      "name": "Good Coffee",
      "link": ";_ylt=AwrjYtUFoyFjR.MX_9OJzbkF;_ylu=aXQDQWxzb1RyeV9FBHNlYwNyZWwtZWFzdARzbGsDdGV4dARwb3MDMw--?p=Good Coffee&fr2=p:s,v:i,m:rs-algo-rel&",
      "serpapi_link": ""
  "suggested_searches": [
      "name": "CoffeeStyles",
      "link": ";_ylt=AwrjYtUFoyFjR.MXvNOJzbkF;_ylu=c2xrA3RleHQEaXQDQWxzb1RyeV9OBHNlYwNyZWwEcG9zAzE-?p=Coffee Styles&fr2=p:s,v:i,m:rs-top,ct:bing,rgn:top,pos:1&",
      "serpapi_link": ""
      "name": "ItalianCoffee",
      "link": ";_ylt=AwrjYtUFoyFjR.MXvdOJzbkF;_ylu=c2xrA3RleHQEaXQDQWxzb1RyeV9OBHNlYwNyZWwEcG9zAzI-?p=Italian Coffee&fr2=p:s,v:i,m:rs-top,ct:bing,rgn:top,pos:2&",
      "serpapi_link": ""
      "name": "CoffeeMug",
      "link": ";_ylt=AwrjYtUFoyFjR.MXvtOJzbkF;_ylu=c2xrA3RleHQEaXQDQWxzb1RyeV9OBHNlYwNyZWwEcG9zAzM-?p=Coffee Mug&fr2=p:s,v:i,m:rs-top,ct:bing,rgn:top,pos:3&",
      "serpapi_link": ""
  "shopping_results": [
      "title": "Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Breakfast Blend Single-Serve Keurig K-Cup Pods, Light Roast Coffee, 48 Count",
      "link": "<link to the item>",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "seller": "",
      "price": {
        "value": "$26.72",
        "extracted_value": 26.72
      "title": "Portuguese Colombian Coffee",
      "link": "<link to the item>",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "seller": "",
      "price": {
        "value": "$58.15",
        "extracted_value": 58.15
      "title": "Dunkin' Original Blend Medium Roast Coffee, 176 Keurig K-Cup Pods",
      "link": "<link to the item>",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "seller": "",
      "price": {
        "value": "$105.06",
        "extracted_value": 105.06
  "serpapi_pagination": {
    "next": "",
    "current": ""
