Google Local Ads API
The Google Local "Places" Results API allows a user to scrape the results of Google Places search. SerpApi is able to make sense of this information and extract title
, reviews
, ratings
, price
, type
, address
, description
, review
, hours
, thumbnail
, gps_coordinates
, place_id
, links
and more.
JSON structure overview
"ads_results": [
"position": "Integer - Place position",
"ad_title": "String - Ad title",
"displayed_link": "String - Displayed link of the ad",
"title": "String - Place title",
"rating": "Float - Place rating",
"reviews_original": "String - Place review count",
"reviews": "Integer - Place review count",
"price": "String - Place price point",
"type": "String - Place type",
"address": "String - Place address",
"hours": "String - Place working hours",
"description": "String - Description or short review of a place",
"place_id": "String - Google CID (customer identifier) of a place",
"place_id_search": "String - URL to the SerpApi search",
"lsig": "String - Aditional ID of a place",
"thumbnail": "String - URL to the image thumbnail",
"gps_coordinates": {
"latitude": "Numeric - Place latitude",
"longitude": "Numeric - Place longitude"
Results for: Coffee

"ads_results": [
"position": 1,
"ad_title": "Freshly brewed Wawa coffee",
"displayed_link": "",
"title": "Wawa",
"type": "Convenience store",
"reviews": 70,
"address": "7408 Tonnelle Ave",
"hours": "Open 24 hours",
"place_id": "14482539134301609407",
"place_id_search": "",
"lsig": "AB86z5V4kwQMc-lmfzU5p6Ziwp9r",
"thumbnail": "<URL to image>",
"gps_coordinates": {
"latitude": 40.803405,
"longitude": -74.01922499999999
"service_options": {
"in_store_shopping": true,
"curbside_pickup": true,
"no_contact_delivery": true