Google Maps Autocomplete API

Google Maps Autocomplete API allows you to get suggestions for a keyword. The API is accessed through the following endpoint: /search?engine=google_maps_autocomplete.

A user may query the following: utilizing a GET request. Head to the playground for a live and interactive demo.

API Parameters

Search Query



Parameter defines the search query. A query that would be used to provide completion options.

Geographic Location



Parameter defines the GPS coordinates of the location where you want the search to originate from. Its value must match the following format:
@ + latitude + , + longitude + , + zoom

This will form a string that looks like this:
e.g. @40.7455096,-74.0083012,14z. The zoom attribute ranges from 3z, map completely zoomed out - to 21z, map completely zoomed in.




Parameter defines the country to use for the Google Maps Autocomplete search. It's a two-letter country code. (e.g., us for the United States, uk for United Kingdom, or fr for France) Head to the Google countries page for a full list of supported Google countries.



Parameter defines the language to use for the Google Maps Autocomplete search. It's a two-letter language code. (e.g., en for English, es for Spanish, or fr for French). Head to the Google languages page for a full list of supported Google languages.

Advanced Autocomplete Parameters



Cursor pointer defines the position of cursor for the query provided, position starts from 0 which is a case where cursor is placed before the query |query. If not provided acts as cursor is placed in the end of query query|.

Serpapi Parameters



Set parameter to google_maps_autocomplete to use the Google Maps Autocomplete API engine.



Parameter will force SerpApi to fetch the Google Maps Autocomplete results even if a cached version is already present. A cache is served only if the query and all parameters are exactly the same. Cache expires after 1h. Cached searches are free, and are not counted towards your searches per month. It can be set to false (default) to allow results from the cache, or true to disallow results from the cache. no_cache and async parameters should not be used together.



Parameter defines the way you want to submit your search to SerpApi. It can be set to false (default) to open an HTTP connection and keep it open until you got your search results, or true to just submit your search to SerpApi and retrieve them later. In this case, you'll need to use our Searches Archive API to retrieve your results. async and no_cache parameters should not be used together. async should not be used on accounts with Ludicrous Speed enabled.



Enterprise only. Parameter enables ZeroTrace mode. It can be set to false (default) or true. Enable this mode to skip storing search parameters, search files, and search metadata on our servers. This may make debugging more difficult.



Parameter defines the SerpApi private key to use.



Parameter defines the final output you want. It can be set to json (default) to get a structured JSON of the results, or html to get the raw html retrieved.

API Results

JSON Results

JSON output includes structured data for suggestions - list of completions for provided keyword. Some of the results are places, which additionally include latitude, longitude and subtext (typically their addresses).

HTML Results

This API does not have html response, just a text. search_metadata.prettify_html_file contains prettified version of result. It is displayed in playground.

API Examples

JSON structure overview

  "suggestions": {
    "value": "String - The suggested keyword",
    "serpapi_link": "String - URL to SerpApi Google Maps Autocomplete API",
    "maps_serpapi_link": "String - URL to SerpApi Google Maps API",
    "subtext": "String - Subtext of the suggested keyword, it's typically the address of the place when type is `place`",
    "type": "String - The type of the result, one of `keyword` and `place`",
    "latitude": "Float - Latitude of the place",
    "longitude": "Float - Longitude of the place",
    "data_id": "String - Data ID to the place, can be used in Google Maps API, Google Maps Photos API and Google Maps Reviews API",
    "reviews_serpapi_link": "String - URL to Google Maps Reviews API",
    "photos_serpapi_link": "String - URL to Google Maps Photos API"

Example with q: cafe parameter

Example with q: cafe parameter

JSON Example

  "search_metadata": {
    "id": "647fe65215afff0e8865e016",
    "status": "Success",
    "json_endpoint": "",
    "created_at": "2023-06-07 02:07:14 UTC",
    "processed_at": "2023-06-07 02:07:14 UTC",
    "google_maps_autocomplete_url": "<pb_parameter>",
    "raw_html_file": "",
    "prettify_html_file": "",
    "total_time_taken": 0.28
  "search_parameters": {
    "engine": "google_maps_autocomplete",
    "q": "cafe",
    "gl": "us",
    "ll": "@40.7455096,-74.0083012,14z"
  "search_information": {
    "query_displayed": "cafe"
  "suggestions": [
      "value": "cafe",
      "serpapi_link": "",
      "maps_serpapi_link": "",
      "type": "keyword"
      "value": "Café Lyria",
      "serpapi_link": "",
      "subtext": "Crosby Street, New York, NY",
      "type": "place",
      "latitude": 40.725846,
      "longitude": -73.995426,
      "data_id": "0x89c259f56e035771:0x1a404262f72adc1f",
      "reviews_serpapi_link": "",
      "photos_serpapi_link": "",
      "maps_serpapi_link": ""
      "value": "Cafe Wha?",
      "serpapi_link": "",
      "subtext": "MacDougal Street, New York, NY",
      "type": "place",
      "latitude": 40.730084,
      "longitude": -74.00055789999999,
      "data_id": "0x89c259922a0f1d41:0x871f2073371fb93e",
      "reviews_serpapi_link": "",
      "photos_serpapi_link": "",
      "maps_serpapi_link": ""
      "value": "Café China",
      "serpapi_link": "",
      "subtext": "West 37th Street, New York, NY",
      "type": "place",
      "latitude": 40.751571299999995,
      "longitude": -73.9858221,
      "data_id": "0x89c25900adca7485:0x1d4ea398ad50e0c",
      "reviews_serpapi_link": "",
      "photos_serpapi_link": "",
      "maps_serpapi_link": ""
      "value": "Cafe Mogador",
      "serpapi_link": "",
      "subtext": "Saint Marks Place, New York, NY",
      "type": "place",
      "latitude": 40.7274314,
      "longitude": -73.98431149999999,
      "data_id": "0x89c2599d133e8f2b:0x2df7f1a7bf3e00bc",
      "reviews_serpapi_link": "",
      "photos_serpapi_link": "",
      "maps_serpapi_link": ""