How does Google Light Pagination Work?

Pagination with Google results is simplified with SerpApi's Pagination API. It is also possible to paginate manually with Google's query parameters for finer control. Both options are covered below.

If you're looking to get started quickly with pagination, SerpApi Pagination is the easiest option. Every result set has a serpapi_pagination field that provides generated URLs for the next and previous result sets (if they exist).

The next and previous URLs respect the existing query parameters that were passed into the first request. By default, SerpAPI pagination will increment the start parameter by the total number of organic results returned. When there are no previous or next result sets, the respective fields are omitted.

Without pagination parameters

If no pagination parameters are provided in a request, SerpApi will add them in as necessary:

JSON Example

  "serpapi_pagination": {
    "current": 1,
    "next": "",

Manual Pagination

Manual pagination with Google Light is possible with two query parameters: start (defines the result offset) and num (defines the maximum number of returned results). For more information on the Google Light pagination parameters, view the Google Light Search API Overview Pagination section.

JSON structure overview

  "serpapi_pagination": {
    "current": "Integer - Index of the current page",
    "next": "String - URL representing the next SerpAPI result set",
    "previous": "String - URL representing the previous SerpAPI result set",