Apple Product Page Scraper API
API endpoint allows you to scrape the results from Apple Reviews search engine via our SerpApi service. Head to the playground for a live and interactive demo.
API Parameters
Parameter defines the country to use for the search. It's a two-letter country code. (e.g., us
(default) for the United States, uk
for United Kingdom, or fr
for France). Head to the Apple Regions for a full list of supported Apple Regions.
Serpapi Parameters
Parameter will force SerpApi to fetch the Apple Product results even if a cached version is already present. A cache is served only if the query and all parameters are exactly the same. Cache expires after 1h. Cached searches are free, and are not counted towards your searches per month. It can be set to false
(default) to allow results from the cache, or true
to disallow results from the cache. no_cache and async parameters should not be used together.
Parameter defines the way you want to submit your search to SerpApi. It can be set to false
(default) to open an HTTP connection and keep it open until you got your search results, or true
to just submit your search to SerpApi and retrieve them later. In this case, you'll need to use our Searches Archive API to retrieve your results. async and no_cache parameters should not be used together. async should not be used on accounts with Ludicrous Speed enabled.
Enterprise only. Parameter enables ZeroTrace mode. It can be set to false
(default) or true
. Enable this mode to skip storing search parameters, search files, and search metadata on our servers. This may make debugging more difficult.
API Results
JSON Results
JSON output includes structured data for product results.
A search status is accessible through search_metadata.status
. It flows this way: Processing
-> Success
|| Error
. If a search has failed, the error
will contain an error message.
is the search ID inside SerpApi.
HTML Results
HTML output is useful to debug JSON results or support features not supported yet by SerpApi. HTML output gives you the raw HTML result from Apple Product.
This API does not have html response, just a text. search_metadata.prettify_html_file
contains prettified version of result. It is displayed in playground.
API Examples
JSON structure overview
"title": "String, The title of the product (Ex: The Great Coffee App)",
"snippet": "String, The snippet of the product (Ex: Pet camera - calm down barking)",
"id": "String, The unique identifying number of the product (Ex: 534220544)",
"age_rating": "String, Age rating of an product (Ex: 12+)",
"developer": {
"name": "String, Developer of the product",
"link": "String, URL of developer's page",
"designed_for": "String, Main design target of the product (Ex: Designed for iPad)",
"rating_in_genre": "String, Which position the product holds in its main genre (Ex: #106 in Food & Drink)",
"rating": "Integer or Float, Average rating of the product (Ex: 4.6)",
"rating_count": "String, How many times the app has been rated (Ex: 159 Ratings)",
"price": "String, Price of the product with its currency (Ex: $3.99)",
"in_app_purchases": "String, Whether the product offers In-App Purchases or not (Ex: Offers In-App Purchases)",
"additional_info": "String, Additional info regarding the product (Ex: Only on Apple Watch)",
"logo": "String, URL of the logo",
"screenshot type, 'iphone_screenshots' stands for iPhone screenshots, 'ipad_screenshots' stands for iPad screenshots etc.": [
"String, URL of the screenshot",
"description": "String, Description of the product (Ex: Popular espresso-based drinks and alternative brewing methods by an expert)",
"version_history": [
"release_version": "String, Release version of the product in history (Ex: 3.4.2)",
"release_notes": "String, Release notes from developers (Ex: Added support for new devices)",
"release_date": "String, Release date of the version (Ex: 2020-10-23)",
"ratings_and_reviews": {
"rating_percentage": {
"5_star": "String, Percentage of 5 stars given in ratings (Ex: 81%)",
"4_star": "String, Percentage of 5 stars given in ratings (Ex: 9%)",
"3_star": "String, Percentage of 5 stars given in ratings (Ex: 5%)",
"2_star": "String, Percentage of 5 stars given in ratings (Ex: 3%)",
"1_star": "String, Percentage of 5 stars given in ratings (Ex: 3%)"
"review_examples": [
"rating": "String, Rating of the review example (Ex: 5 out of 5)",
"username": "String, Username of the reviewer",
"review_date": "String, Date of the review (Ex: 11/17/2018)",
"review_title": "String, Title of the review (Ex: Great app for great coffee!)",
"review_text": "String, Body text of the review (Ex: What more could one ask for in a coffee app?)",
"response_title": "String, Title of the response to review from developers (Ex: We are happy to hear good responses from our customers)",
"response_text": "String, Body text of the response to review from developers (Ex: Your review has excited us to work more on our strengthful parts)",
"privacy": {
"description": "String, Description on the privacy section of the product (Ex: The developer indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below.)",
"privacy_policy_link": "String, URL to full privacy policy link of the product",
"cards": [
"title": "String, Title of the card (Ex: Data Not Linked to You)",
"description": "String, Description of the card (Ex: The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity)",
"categories": [
"String, Name of the privacy category (Ex: Usage Data)",
"sidenote": "String, Sidenote about the privacy policy of the product (Ex: Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age)",
"learn_more_link": "String, URL to a more detailed explanation of the privacy policy."
"information": {
"seller": "String, Seller of the product",
"price": "String, Price of the Product (Ex: Free)",
"duns_number": "String, DUNS Number of the seller",
"address": "String, Address of the seller",
"phone": "String, Phone number of the seller (Ex: +1 2096804446)",
"email": "String, Email of the seller"
"size": "String, Storage size of the product (Ex: 47.8MB)",
"categories": [
"String, Category of the product (Ex: Food & Drink)"
"compatibility": [
"device": "String, Compatible device (Ex: iPhone)",
"requirement": "String, requirement of the device (Ex: Requires iOS 12.0 or later.)",
"supported_languages": [
"String, Supported Language (Ex: English)",
"age_rating": {
"rating": "String, Age Rating of the Product (Ex: 12+)",
"definitions": "String, Further Definitions of age rating (Ex: Infrequent/Mild Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or References)"
"copyright": "String, Copyright of the Product (Ex: © 2020 Mobile Creators)",
"in_app_purchases": [
"name": "String, Name of the In-App Purchase option (Ex: Optional Patronage - Token)",
"price": "String, Price of the In-App Purchase option with its currency (Ex: $0.99)"
"developer_website": "String, URL to developer's website"
"app_support_link": "String, URL to app support",
"privacy_policy_link": "String, URL to privacy policy",
"license_agreement_link": "String, URL to license agreement"
"supports": [
"title": "String, Title of the support (Ex: Family Sharing)",
"description": "String, Description of the support (Ex: With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this.)"
"featured_in": [
"image": "String, URL to image of event the product has been featured in",
"title": "String, Title of event the product has been featured in (Ex: WWDC20)",
"link": "String, URL to event (Ex:",
"description_title": "String, Title of event the product has been featured in (Ex: Join Us for WWDC)",
"description": "String, Description of event the product has been featured in (Ex: We’re bringing Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference to you.)",
"more_by_this_developer": {
"apps": [
"logo": "String, URL to logo of another app by same developer of the current product page",
"link": "String, URL to product page of another app by same developer of the current product page",
"serpapi_link": "String, URL for SerpApi's Apple Product Page Scraper API of another app by same developer of the current product page (Ex: )",
"name": "String, Title of another app by same developer of the current product page (Ex: Run Faster!)",
"category": "String, Category of another app by same developer of the current product page (Ex: Health & Fitness)"
"result_type": "String, Whether the results contain all apps developed by the same developer of the current product page or partial (Ex: partial)",
"see_all_link": "String, URL to all apps developed by the same developer of the current product page."
"you_may_also_like": {
"apps": [
"logo": "String, URL to logo of the suggested app",
"link": "String, URL to suggested app's product page",
"serpapi_link": "String, URL for SerpApi's Apple Product Page Scraper API of the suggested app (Ex: )",
"name": "String, Title of the suggested app (Ex: Tazej)",
"category": "String, Category of the suggested app (Ex: Food & Drink)"
"result_type": "String, Whether the results contain all suggested results or partial (Ex: partial)",
"see_all_link": "String, URL to all suggested apps"
Apple Product search results for product_id: 534220544

"search_metadata": {
"id": "61b38aeee7d08a3bc9c8e5b2",
"status": "Success",
"json_endpoint": "",
"created_at": "2021-12-10 17:14:22 UTC",
"processed_at": "2021-12-10 17:14:22 UTC",
"apple_product_url": "",
"raw_html_file": "",
"prettify_html_file": "",
"total_time_taken": 3.57
"search_parameters": {
"engine": "apple_product",
"type": "app",
"country": "us",
"product_id": "534220544"
"search_information": {
"page_state": "Results for exact ID number."
"title": "The Great Coffee App",
"id": "534220544",
"age_rating": "12+",
"developer": {
"name": "<Developer Name>",
"link": "<Developer URL>"
"designed_for": "Designed for iPad",
"rating": 4.6,
"rating_count": "162 Ratings",
"price": "Free",
"in_app_purchases": "Offers In-App Purchases",
"logo": "",
"ipad_screenshots": [
"description": "Popular espresso-based drinks and alternative brewing methods by an expert barista with many years of experience.- “App Store Best of 2013” in Chinese App Store;- #1 top paid app in \"Food & Drinks\" category in 30 countries;- #1 top paid app in 8 countries;- \"Editor's choice\" in South Korea;- Featured on;- Featured by Apple in a TV ad.Demonstration of drinks in cross-section, videos of every step of the process, interesting facts about coffee, specially created music and impressive graphic design – all this will help expand your horizons and teach you about the world of Coffee.By covering the stages from beginner to expert, you will open up a whole new world of drinks, and may be one of them will become your favorite!Espresso-based drinks: - Espresso - Espresso Ristretto - Espresso Lungo - Espresso Macchiato - Espresso Con Panna - Espresso Romano - Espresso Doppio - Latte - Americano - Cappuccino - Flat white - Marocchino - Latte Macchiato - Caffe Mocha - Irish coffee - Flamingo - Cafecino - Vienna coffee - CrappaBrewing methods: - AeroPress - Turkish coffee - Pour-over - Cup brew - French press - Cold brew - Siphon - Vietnamese hot - Chemex - Moka potWelcome for the world of Coffee!\"This app is the sleek and sophisticated digital cookbook for coffee\"\"This is a superbly, yet simply designed app which gives short instructions and descriptions on how to make the various types of espresso and espresso based drinks\"\"Overall, great app for coffee drinkers who want to extend their knowledge of coffee casually, rather than going all Wikipedia on it. Images are gorgeous, music is beautiful – a great experience!\" Applecture.comPlease send your ideas, critique, and other feedback at",
"version_history": [
"release_version": "3.4.2",
"release_notes": "Added support for new devices",
"release_date": "2020-10-23"
"release_version": "3.4.1",
"release_notes": "Fixed crashes on some devices",
"release_date": "2020-05-16"
"release_version": "3.4",
"release_notes": "Added Thai localization",
"release_date": "2020-03-02"
"release_version": "3.3.2",
"release_notes": "Fixed a mistranslation in Chinese",
"release_date": "2018-12-18"
"release_version": "3.3.1",
"release_notes": "Fixed issues with zoomed view",
"release_date": "2018-12-05"
"release_version": "3.3",
"release_notes": "Added support for new devices",
"release_date": "2018-11-14"
"release_version": "3.2.1",
"release_notes": "Added support for new devices",
"release_date": "2018-09-14"
"release_version": "3.2",
"release_notes": "- Better images and grind sizes in brewing methods;- Better Chinese translation;- UI adjustments.",
"release_date": "2018-07-14"
"release_version": "3.1",
"release_notes": "– iPhone X support",
"release_date": "2017-11-27"
"release_version": "3.0.1",
"release_notes": "– Added initial \'onboarding\' to help with navigation;– Preferred language is now correctly recognized.Please send your ideas, critique, and other feedback at",
"release_date": "2016-01-11"
"release_version": "3.0",
"release_notes": "- Major update of the design;- Alternative brewing methods;- Nutrition facts for each drink;- Support for new devices, including iPhone 6s, 6s plus and iPad Pro;- Support for 3D touch;- A myriad of small improvements.Please send your ideas, critique, and other feedback at",
"release_date": "2015-12-13"
"release_version": "2.3.2",
"release_notes": "- Fixed missing localization causing a crash in Italian and Brazilian Portuguese.",
"release_date": "2014-08-20"
"release_version": "2.3.1",
"release_notes": "– Fix for downloaded videos sometimes disappearing.* Videos need to be re-downloaded after this update.",
"release_date": "2014-08-15"
"release_version": "2.3",
"release_notes": "◆ Korean localization◆ Flat white",
"release_date": "2014-02-27"
"release_version": "2.2.2",
"release_notes": "- Support for iOS7",
"release_date": "2013-09-16"
"release_version": "2.2.1",
"release_notes": "Cosmetic changes",
"release_date": "2013-07-03"
"release_version": "2.2",
"release_notes": "- Localized in Traditional Chinese and Italian.",
"release_date": "2013-04-22"
"release_version": "2.1",
"release_notes": "- Added German localization;- Added Brazilian Portuguese localization;- A few more small improvements.",
"release_date": "2013-03-28"
"release_version": "2.0.1",
"release_notes": "- Some people had issues with the \'hand\' at the beginning of the app, now it will disappear after 15 seconds of inactivity;- Minor technical corrections.",
"release_date": "2013-03-18"
"release_version": "2.0",
"release_notes": "Now with preparation video for each drink!",
"release_date": "2013-03-09"
"release_version": "1.1",
"release_notes": "- New iOS6 sharing options, including Facebook and Sina Weibo;- Support for new iPhone 5 and iPod Touch screen sizes;- Corrected minor bugs and typos.",
"release_date": "2012-10-04"
"release_version": "1.0",
"release_date": "2012-09-13"
"ratings_and_reviews": {
"rating_percentage": {
"5_star": "81%",
"4_star": "9%",
"3_star": "5%",
"2_star": "3%",
"1_star": "2%"
"review_examples": [
"rating": "5 out of 5",
"username": "Jinju ^.^",
"review_date": "11/17/2018",
"review_title": "Great app for great coffee!",
"review_text": "What more could one ask for in a coffee app? One can see the variety of drinks to choose from, visual ratios* for the ingredients in each drink, instructions on how to prepare each drink, plus there’s even a video that demonstrates how each drink is made. There’s even a bonus section on the different styles of coffee which can be made and how to make them. *Note: I did say that the app gives visual ratios for the ingredients not measurements for the ingredients. For some folks this might be a problem, but for me, personally, visual ratios allow the user some flexibility. All in all, a great app for coffee lovers!"
"rating": "5 out of 5",
"username": "ClarkStedman",
"review_date": "08/19/2016",
"review_title": "Hands down the BEST coffee app!",
"review_text": "This has to be one of the best apps I have ever interacted with! I knew \"jack\" about coffee until I walked through their outstanding tutorial. I'm just shocked at the amazing quality of the app and I can only recommend it to others who want to learn about the coffee brewing experience"
"rating": "3 out of 5",
"username": "PhelineCat",
"review_date": "02/24/2019",
"review_title": "Aero Press is upside down",
"review_text": "The demo for the Aero Press is upside down but I'm happy about it because I didn't understand how to do it that way. Other than the espresso section this is very basic since it shows the steps of brewing but nothing about the science of different techniques, types of beans, temperature or grind. It's nice to see a simple cup brew for emergencies but it failed to address the same reason people have resorted to instant crystal types- emergency coffee needs. The demo includes powdered milk product- if anyone uses that in anything they're fouling the beverage unless it's a comfort food for them. Yes, that happens. This is pretty much a one time use app unless you get a new brewing system. There's better ways to learn about coffee"
"privacy": {
"description": "The developer, has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.",
"privacy_policy_link": "",
"cards": [
"title": "No Details Provided",
"description": "The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update."
"information": {
"seller": "<Developer Name>",
"price": "Free",
"size": "251 MB",
"categories": [
"Food & Drink"
"compatibility": [
"device": "iPhone",
"requirement": "Requires iOS 12.0 or later."
"device": "iPad",
"requirement": "Requires iPadOS 12.0 or later."
"device": "iPod touch",
"requirement": "Requires iOS 12.0 or later."
"device": "Mac",
"requirement": "Requires macOS 11.0 or later and a Mac with Apple M1 chip."
"supported_languages": [
" French",
" German",
" Italian",
" Japanese",
" Korean",
" Portuguese",
" Russian",
" Simplified Chinese",
" Spanish",
" Thai",
" Traditional Chinese"
"age_rating": {
"rating": "12+",
"definitions": "Infrequent/Mild Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or References"
"copyright": "© 2020 Mobile Creators",
"in_app_purchases": [
"name": "Optional Patronage – Token",
"price": "$0.99"
"name": "Optional Patronage – Generous",
"price": "$9.99"
"name": "Optional Patronage – Regular",
"price": "$4.99"
"app_support_link": "",
"privacy_policy_link": ""
"supports": [
"title": "Family Sharing",
"description": "With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app.",
"icon": ""
"you_may_also_like": {
"apps": [
"logo": "",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"name": "",
"category": "Food & Drink"
"logo": "",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"name": "Filtru Coffee",
"category": "Food & Drink"
"logo": "",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"name": "Koinz – visit, collect, win!",
"category": "Food & Drink"
"logo": "",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"name": "Single Origin - Coffee Timer",
"category": "Food & Drink"
"logo": "",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"name": "Kudu Saudi Arabia",
"category": "Food & Drink"
"logo": "",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"name": "Spec: Craft Cocktail Library",
"category": "Food & Drink"
"result_type": "Partial",
"see_all_link": ""
"more_by_this_developer": {
"apps": [
"logo": "",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"name": "The Tea App",
"category": "Food & Drink"
"logo": "",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"name": "#filmphotography",
"category": "Photo & Video"
"logo": "",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"name": "Pomodororo",
"category": "Productivity"
"logo": "",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"name": "The Great Tea App",
"category": "Food & Drink"
"logo": "",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"name": "MC Tea Timer",
"category": "Food & Drink"
"logo": "",
"link": "",
"serpapi_link": "",
"name": "I, Photographer",
"category": "Education"
"result_type": "Partial",
"see_all_link": ""