The Home Depot Product Reviews API
Our Home Depot Product Reviews API allows you to scrape The Home Depot product's reviews.
The API is accessed through the following endpoint: /search?engine=home_depot_product_reviews
. A user may query the following:
utilizing a GET
request. Head to the playground for a live and interactive demo.
API Parameters
Advanced Filters
Parameter defines the term you want to search, only reviews with matching term will be returned.
Parameter defines to include only results with specified ratings.
Example for single rating only:5
Example for multiple ratings (seperated by comma ,
Serpapi Parameters
Set parameter to home_depot_product_reviews
to use the Home Depot Product Reviews API engine.
Parameter will force SerpApi to fetch the Home Depot Product Reviews results even if a cached version is already present. A cache is served only if the query and all parameters are exactly the same. Cache expires after 1h. Cached searches are free, and are not counted towards your searches per month. It can be set to false
(default) to allow results from the cache, or true
to disallow results from the cache. no_cache and async parameters should not be used together.
Parameter defines the way you want to submit your search to SerpApi. It can be set to false
(default) to open an HTTP connection and keep it open until you got your search results, or true
to just submit your search to SerpApi and retrieve them later. In this case, you'll need to use our Searches Archive API to retrieve your results. async and no_cache parameters should not be used together. async should not be used on accounts with Ludicrous Speed enabled.
Enterprise only. Parameter enables ZeroTrace mode. It can be set to false
(default) or true
. Enable this mode to skip storing search parameters, search files, and search metadata on our servers. This may make debugging more difficult.
API Results
JSON Results
JSON output includes structured data for suggested searches.
A search status is accessible through search_metadata.status
. It flows this way: Processing
-> Success
|| Error
. If a search has failed, error
will contain an error message.
is the search ID inside SerpApi.
HTML Results
HTML output is useful to debug JSON results or support features not supported yet by SerpApi. HTML output gives you the raw HTML results from Home Depot Product Reviews.
This API does not have html response, just a text. search_metadata.prettify_html_file
contains prettified version of the result. It is displayed in the playground.
API Examples
JSON structure overview
"total_review": "Integer - Total review of the product",
"overall_rating": "Float - Overall rating of the product (maximum rating is 5)",
"total_positive_recommendation": "Integer - Total number of reviews that recommend the product",
"total_negative_recommendation": "Integer - Total number of reviews that do not recommend the product",
"ratings": [
"stars": "Integer - Star number, from 1 to 5",
"count": "Integer - Total number of reviews for given star"
"reviews": [
"id": "String - ID of the review",
"title": "String - Title of the review",
"text": "String - Text of the review",
"rating": "Integer - Rating of the review",
"is_recommended": "Boolean - Indicate if the review is recommended",
"original_source": {
"name": "String - Original source name",
"logo": "String - URL of the original source logo"
"badges": "Array - List of badges (e.g. verifiedPurchaser, dIY)",
"images": [
"link": "String - URL of the image",
"thumbnail": "String - ULR of the thumbnail"
"reviewer": {
"id": "String - ID of the reviewer",
"name": "String - Name of the reviewer"
"total_negative_feedback": "Integer - Total negative feedback count of the review",
"total_positive_feedback": "Integer - Total positive feedback count of the review",
"time": "String - Time the review is submitted in ISO 8601 format"
"serpapi_pagination": {
"next": "String - SerpApi's URL for the next page results"
Example with product_id: 302752040
(Handheld Blower)

"search_metadata": {
"id": "65f159469656222d41f711fa",
"status": "Success",
"json_endpoint": "",
"created_at": "2024-03-13 07:44:06 UTC",
"processed_at": "2024-03-13 07:44:06 UTC",
"home_depot_product_reviews_url": "",
"raw_html_file": "",
"prettify_html_file": "",
"total_time_taken": 1.12
"search_parameters": {
"product_id": "302752040",
"sort_by": "photoreview",
"engine": "home_depot_product_reviews"
"search_information": {
"total_results": 11470
"total_review": 11470,
"overall_rating": 4.7,
"total_positive_recommendation": 4490,
"total_negative_recommendation": 233,
"ratings": [
"stars": 5,
"count": 9345
"stars": 4,
"count": 1384
"stars": 3,
"count": 327
"stars": 2,
"count": 157
"stars": 1,
"count": 257
"reviews": [
"id": "278711738",
"text": "This is my second Milwaukee blower I've purchased because I like them that much. However, if you're on a budget this tool may not be a good fit as it gets very pricey after the purchase of the tool only and batteries/charger unless you buy the combo kit ($350 I believe). \nHolding the blower is comfortable and I like how not only the speed can be controlled with the fast/slow button but also with the throttle. It moves a lot of air to get the job done. I've blown rocks and sticks that other blowers couldn't. However, it chews through an 8.0 battery rapidly and to me that is a downfall. My property isn't that big nor does it have a lot of debris I need moved so it's a bummer I will need to spend an additional $250+ for a larger battery to handle what I need from the tool. My gripes aside the tool is great and will last and it's not toxic to run nor is it loud like a gas blower. I recommend this tool if it's in your price range.",
"rating": 4,
"badges": [
"images": [
"link": "",
"thumbnail": ""
"reviewer": {
"id": "051C0FBF29353DDE0S",
"name": "Ronnie"
"total_positive_feedback": 12,
"total_negative_feedback": 0,
"time": "2024-03-03T03:47:05.000+00:00"
"id": "278525102",
"rating": 3,
"badges": [
"images": [
"link": "",
"thumbnail": ""
"reviewer": {
"id": "0421CF9DD288555B0S",
"name": "NICk"
"total_positive_feedback": 12,
"total_negative_feedback": 0,
"time": "2024-02-25T07:18:30.000+00:00"
"id": "271002977",
"title": "Works just like I imagined",
"text": "Couldn't say anything bad about it. I use it to clean snow off my giant set of steps and also to clean the snow off my vehicle. I wish I could have afforded to get a 8Ah battery with it but it runs great off my 5ah it just doesn't last as long. I do a set of stairs with 4 sets and 3 landings on it and my truck with one battery. Would totally recommend. Can't wait to try it in the summer with dust.. we don't get much for leaves in northern Canada.",
"rating": 4,
"is_recommended": true,
"original_source": {
"name": "",
"logo": ""
"badges": [
"images": [
"link": "",
"thumbnail": ""
"reviewer": {
"id": "ak02wrjpaofbcn6cdtxug80nl",
"name": "Larry DM"
"total_positive_feedback": 10,
"total_negative_feedback": 0,
"time": "2024-02-05T21:09:57.000+00:00"
"id": "277686748",
"title": "A Top Notch Blower",
"text": "Bought this blower 1-2yrs ago and figured I'd give feedback on the product. It has a strong motor with two speed selector which I enjoy as it helps when working in a close area. It's fallen out of my truck without breaking (Durable). The ergonomics provide a nice feel while using. The con is it's price point. When buying the blower alone at close to $200 that's without a battery or charger. By the time you get a big battery and a charger the cost is about $500. Lots of cheaper options out there.",
"rating": 4,
"is_recommended": true,
"images": [
"link": "",
"thumbnail": ""
"reviewer": {
"id": "31x4cenq2wvfkcq0k7q20ewy1",
"name": "Ronnie"
"total_positive_feedback": 21,
"total_negative_feedback": 0,
"time": "2024-01-26T19:44:33.000+00:00"
"id": "277507587",
"title": "No more extension cord with this cordless blower.",
"text": "The Milwaukee blower kit has a blower, high output XC8.0 battery & M18/M12 rapid charger. Great power blower with high/low rabbit/turtle control. The variable speed on the trigger or even lock the button down to not having to constantly hold the trigger down. So many convenient features with this blower with the battery sizes & not having to deal with an annoying extension cord. I can simply move freely between patio furniture up/down tables & maneuver in/out of the chair legs.",
"rating": 5,
"is_recommended": true,
"images": [
"link": "",
"thumbnail": ""
"reviewer": {
"id": "hqhs136g5zec3r70x13atz31n",
"name": "EDJR"
"total_positive_feedback": 11,
"total_negative_feedback": 0,
"time": "2024-01-20T21:04:41.000+00:00"
"serpapi_pagination": {
"next": ""