Naver Search Engine Results API

/search?engine=naver API endpoint allows you to scrape the results from Naver search engine via our SerpApi service. Head to the playground for a live and interactive demo.

API Parameters

Search Query



Parameter defines the search query. You can use anything that you would use in a regular Naver search. (e.g., 'query', NOT, OR, site:, filetype:, near:, ip:, loc:, feed: etc.).




Parameter controls the offset of the organic results. This parameter defaults to 1 (except for the web).
(e.g. The formula for all searches except the web is start = (page number * 10) - 9
e.g. Page number 3 (3 * 10) - 9 = 21)
The formula for the web will be start = (page number * 15) - 29
e.g. Page number 3 (3 * 15) - 29 = 16.



The page parameter does the start parameter math for you! Just define the page number you want. Pagination starts from 1.



Parameter defines the maximum number of results to return. 50 (default) returns 50 results. Maximum number of results to return is 100.
Parameter can only be used with Naver Images API.




Parameter defines the Search type. This parameter defaults to nexearch.

Available options:
nexearch: regular Naver Search,
web: Web organic results,
video: Naver video result,
news: Naver news results,
image: Naver Images Api.

Serpapi Parameters



Set parameter to naver to use the Naver API engine.



Parameter defines the device to use to get the results. It can be set to desktop (default) to use a regular browser, tablet to use a tablet browser (currently using iPads), or mobile to use a mobile browser (currently using iPhones).



Parameter will force SerpApi to fetch the Naver results even if a cached version is already present. A cache is served only if the query and all parameters are exactly the same. Cache expires after 1h. Cached searches are free, and are not counted towards your searches per month. It can be set to false (default) to allow results from the cache, or true to disallow results from the cache. no_cache and async parameters should not be used together.



Parameter defines the way you want to submit your search to SerpApi. It can be set to false (default) to open an HTTP connection and keep it open until you got your search results, or true to just submit your search to SerpApi and retrieve them later. In this case, you'll need to use our Searches Archive API to retrieve your results. async and no_cache parameters should not be used together. async should not be used on accounts with Ludicrous Speed enabled.



Parameter defines the SerpApi private key to use.



Parameter defines the final output you want. It can be set to json (default) to get a structured JSON of the results, or html to get the raw html retrieved.

API Results

JSON Results

JSON output includes structured data for Ad Results, Knowledge Graph, News Results, Video Results, and more.

A search status is accessible through search_metadata.status. It flows this way: Processing -> Success || Error. If a search has failed, the error will contain an error message. is the search ID inside SerpApi.

HTML Results

HTML output is useful to debug JSON results or support features not supported yet by SerpApi. HTML output gives you the raw HTML result from Naver.

API Examples

Naver search results for query:paris

Naver search results for query:paris

JSON Example

   "search_metadata": {
      "id": "61af93eab5c11d385cfc4388",
      "status": "Success",
      "json_endpoint": "",
      "created_at": "2021-12-07 17:03:38 UTC",
      "processed_at": "2021-12-07 17:03:39 UTC",
      "naver_url": "",
      "raw_html_file": "",
      "total_time_taken": 2.37
   "search_parameters": {
      "query": "paris",
      "engine": "naver"
   "ads_results": [
         "title": "11번가 PARIS",
         "sub_title": "T멤버십 최대 22% 할인",
         "description": "PARIS, 11일 월간십일절 단 하루! 최대 74% 할인+전 고객 2천원쿠폰",
         "site": "",
         "link": ""
         "title": "발란, 연말결산 ~90%세일",
         "sub_title": "누구나 20만원 즉시할인!",
         "description": "명품을 왜 백화점에서 사? 발란에선 연말결산 ~90% 할인에 매일 쿠폰 증정!",
         "price_list": [
               "title": "누구나 즉시할인 받기",
               "price": "200,000원",
               "link": ""
               "title": "신규회원 할인쿠폰",
               "price": "200,000원",
               "link": ""
         "site": "",
         "link": "",
         "thumbnail": "https://searchad-phinf.pstatic...."
         "title": "G마켓 PARIS",
         "description": "G마켓 현명한 쇼핑습관! G마켓 스마일클럽 가입 37,000원+1년내내 12%할인",
         "link_list": [
               "title": "베스트상품",
               "link": ""
               "title": "슈퍼딜",
               "link": ""
         "site": "",
         "link": ""
         "title": "쿠팡 PARIS",
         "sub_title": "로켓와우멤버 무제한 무료배송",
         "description": "PARIS 특가! 방충용품, 살충용품, 한 개만 사도 무료배송 로켓와우",
         "link_list": [
               "title": "로켓배송",
               "link": ""
               "title": "로켓직구",
               "link": ""
         "site": "",
         "link": ""
         "title": "PARIS, 한스타일",
         "sub_title": "가입시 23만원 중복할인쿠폰",
         "description": "21FW 시즌 오프! 눈여겨봤던 해외 명품들을 최대75%할인된 가격에 만나보세요.",
         "link_list": [
               "title": "FW시즌오프",
               "link": ""
               "title": "명품오늘도착",
               "link": ""
         "site": "",
         "link": ""
         "thumbnail": ""
         "title": "PARIS 옥션",
         "description": "옥션에서 쇼핑할땐! 신규회원 중복할인 쿠폰 3장 받고 스마일배송으로 무료배송받기!",
         "site": "",
         "link": ""
         "title": "PARIS 교보문고",
         "description": "PARIS, 신간, 베스트셀러 업데이트, 최대1만원 할인+바로드림 서비스!",
         "site": "",
         "link": ""
   "knowledge_graph": {
      "travel": {
         "name": "파리",
         "real_name": "Paris",
         "thumbnails": [
         "area": [
               "title": "프랑스",
               "link": ""
               "title": "파리"
         "description": "파리",
         "information": [
               "title": "추천",
               "additional": [
               "link": ""
               "title": "항공",
               "value": "직항",
               "additional": [
                  "12 시간"
               "link": ""
               "title": "비자",
               "value": "90일",
               "additional": [
               "link": ""
         "tips": [
               "title": "위치와 뷰, 실용성 세 마리 토끼를 다 잡은 '파리의 풀만 호텔 3'",
               "author": {
                  "name": "트래비",
                  "thumbnail": ""
               "link": "",
               "thumbnail": ""
               "title": "파리에서 에펠탑 찾기",
               "author": {
                  "name": "이지앤북스",
                  "thumbnail": ""
               "link": "",
               "thumbnail": ""
         "places_to_visit": [
               "title": "에펠 탑",
               "description": "프랑스와 파리의 과거와 현재를 상징하는 에펠탑",
               "type": "전망시설",
               "link": "",
               "thumbnail": ""
               "title": "루브르 박물관",
               "description": "'ㄷ'자 형태의 근엄한 건축물은 투명한 유리 피라미드를 마치 보석인양 품고 있다. 파리의 심장 '루브르 박물관'",
               "type": "건물",
               "link": "",
               "thumbnail": ""
         "courses": [
               "type": "전문가 추천 코스",
               "title": "루브르 박물관 & 노틀담 성당 주변",
               "place": "루브르 박물관, 파리 시청, 퐁피두 센터, 포룸 데 알, 퐁네프 다리, 노틀담 성당, 생 미쉘 지구, 팡테옹, 뤽상부르 궁전",
               "link": ""
               "type": "전문가 추천 코스",
               "title": "파리 미술관 투어",
               "place": "오르세 미술관, 튈르리 정원, 오랑쥬리 미술관, 쥬드폼 미술관, 콩코드 광장, 마들렌 사원, 오페라",
               "link": ""
   "influencer_results": [
         "title": "Afternoon in Paris 재즈피아노강의(기초편2)",
         "description": "먼저 Afternoon in Paris 피아노 연습 후 강의를 보세요",
         "date": "2021.11.28.",
         "author": {
            "name": "가득뮤직",
            "fans": 3711,
            "followers": "유튜브 구독 1.2만+",
            "extension": [
               "K-Pop 전문",
               "도서 출간 5권",
               "트렌디한 음악 선호",
            "thumbnail": "",
            "link": ""
         "video": true,
         "thumbnail": "",
         "link": ""
         "title": "[아미 AMI PARIS] Ami De Coeur 로고 베이지 볼캡 남자모자 리뷰",
         "description": "안녕하세요 임대리입니다. 모두 주말 잘 보내셨을지 모르겠어요. 저는 단풍 구경을 잠시 다녀왔습니다. 날씨가 좋아서 아주 즐거웠던 기억이 나네요. 이번 주는 비 소식으로 한 주를 시작한 뒤 점점 추워진다고 하니...",
         "date": "2021.11.08.",
         "author": {
            "name": "임대리님",
            "fans": 6909,
            "followers": "인스타그램 팔로워 2만+",
            "extension": [
               "패션 마케터",
               "클래식 스타일",
               "해외 명품 선호",
               "키가 큰 체형",
               "OOTD 전문"
            "thumbnail": "",
            "link": ""
         "thumbnail": "",
         "link": ""
         "title": "(그 어렵다는) 파리에 집짓기! 미친 실행력 소유자의 타워형 협소주택, Staying in Paris by Java Architecture",
         "description": "Staying in Paris by Java Architecture (그 어렵다는) 파리에 집짓기! 미친 실행력 소유자의 타워형 협소주택 파리 15구에 위치한 타워형 협소주택이다. 아래는 설계를 한 건축사무소 측이 제공한 글이다. “A crazy...",
         "date": "2021.11.10.",
         "author": {
            "name": "즐건마암",
            "fans": 170,
            "followers": "블로그 이웃 9.7만+",
            "extension": [
               "리빙 매거진에디터"
            "thumbnail": "",
            "link": ""
         "thumbnail": "",
         "link": ""
   "apps_results": [
         "name": "Paris wallpapers",
         "platform": "Android",
         "rating": 4.3,
         "thumbnail": "",
         "link": ""
         "name": "Rainy Paris Keyboard Background",
         "platform": "Android",
         "rating": 4.6,
         "thumbnail": "",
         "link": ""
         "name": "Paris: City Adventure",
         "platform": "Android",
         "rating": 4.1,
         "thumbnail": "",
         "link": ""
   "song_results": {
      "title": "Paris",
      "type": "노래",
      "singer": "The Chainsmokers",
      "date": "2017.01.13.",
      "link": "",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "lyrics": "We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents And I thought, Wow If I could take this in a shot right now I don't think that we could work this out Out on the terrace I don't know if it's fair but I thought How could I let you fall by yourself While I'm wasted with someone else? If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together We'll get away with everything Let's show them we are better Let's show them we are better Let's show them we are better We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents You look so proud Standing there with a frown and a cigarette Posting pictures of yourself on the Internet Out on the terrace We breathe in the air of this small town on our own, cuttin' class for the thrill of it Getting drunk on the past, we were livin' in If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together We'll get away with everything Let's show them we are better Let's show them we are Show them we are Let's show them we are Show them we are Let's show them we are better We were staying in Paris Let's show them we are better Let's show them we are Show them we are Let's show them we are Show them we are Let's show them we are better If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together We'll get away with everything Let's show them we are better We were staying in Paris (If we go down) We were staying in Paris (If we go down) We were staying in Paris (If we go down) We were staying in Paris (If we go down) Let's show them we are better We were staying in Paris Let's show them we are better Let's show them we are better If we go down Let's show them we are better If we go down Let's show them we are better If we go down Let's show them we are better Let's show them we are better"
   "view_results": [
         "position": 1,
         "title": "OFF TO PARIS - 2021년의 파리 산책.",
         "link": "",
         "thumbnails": [
         "snippet": "크 새삼 진짜 오랜만이구나 싶네 @ Paris Museum of Modern Art <la fée électricité>, Raoul Dufy 뒤피의 방. 크기 부터 압도적인데 라울뒤피 특유의 밝고 화려한 색채가 빛과 만나서 매우 환상적인 기분을 준다. <춤> 마티스의...",
         "date": "8시간 전",
         "blog_name": "from now to eternity",
         "blog_link": "",
         "blog_logo": ""
         "position": 2,
         "title": "프랑스 파리 Paris- Versailles베르사유, bateau mouche바토무슈, Eiffel Tower에펠탑 (2021.09....",
         "link": "",
         "thumbnails": [
         "snippet": "넷플릭스 시리즈 '에밀리 파리에가다 Emily in Paris'를 본 사람이라면 기억할듯 여기. 알렉상드르 3세 다리. 여기사 광고 촬영하던 첫화. 너무 예뻐서 이 다리는 내가 특별히 애정했다.크크 사진빨은 참 잘받은 배경의 파리....",
         "date": "2021.11.19.",
         "blog_name": "레이디마마",
         "blog_link": "",
         "blog_logo": ""
   "news_results": [
         "position": 1,
         "title": "K-Hip Hop and Breaking to Make Its Olympic Debut in Paris in 2024",
         "link": "",
         "thumbnail": "",
         "news_info": {
            "name": "아리랑TV",
            "date": "5시간 전"
         "snippet": "\" And come Paris 2024, breaking will make its debut as an Olympic event. Today we have a couple... 2024 Paris Olympics. What are the goals and expectations for these global events? To truly..."
         "position": 2,
         "title": "UNEXPECTED SCENE OF PARIS",
         "link": "",
         "thumbnail": "",
         "news_info": {
            "name": "메종",
            "date": "6일 전"
         "snippet": "add 3 Rue Lemon, 75020 Paris web instagram @babel.belleville 31개의 객실은 다양한 배경을 지닌 오브제와 테라코타 등 자연 소재의 아이템으로 연출되어 있다. 호텔 자체의 라디오로 팟캐스트와 음악을 들을 수..."
         "position": 3,
         "title": "COVID-cancelled French musical 'Notre Dame de Paris' hits Korean theater...",
         "link": "",
         "thumbnail": "",
         "news_info": {
            "name": "코리아타임스",
            "date": "2021.11.21."
         "snippet": "By Park Ji-won The original French production of the musical, “Notre Dame de Paris,” based... The musical, “Notre Dame de Paris,” returned to the stage here in 2020 after having finished..."
   "inline_videos_results": [
         "position": 1,
         "title": "리오넬 메시 주요장면 [PSG vs 니스]",
         "link": "",
         "origin": "네이버 스포츠",
         "duration": "10:24",
         "thumbnail": "",
         "channel": {
            "name": "리그 1",
            "link": ""
         "views": "3,770",
         "publish_date": "5일 전"
         "position": 2,
         "title": "네이마르: 메시와 함께 또다시 역사를 만들겠다",
         "link": "",
         "origin": "네이버TV",
         "duration": "01:47",
         "thumbnail": "",
         "channel": {
            "name": "스태츠퍼폼",
            "link": ""
         "views": "1,473",
         "publish_date": "2021.10.27."
         "position": 3,
         "title": "루이비통, 2022, S/S .Paris,레이스 드레스,5분 패션스케치",
         "link": "",
         "origin": "그라폴리오",
         "duration": "04:14",
         "thumbnail": "",
         "channel": {
            "name": "kimsa****",
            "link": ""
         "publish_date": "2021.10.29."
         "position": 4,
         "title": "킬리안 음바페 주요장면 [PSG vs 니스]",
         "link": "",
         "origin": "네이버 스포츠",
         "duration": "07:02",
         "thumbnail": "",
         "channel": {
            "name": "리그 1",
            "link": ""
         "views": "849",
         "publish_date": "5일 전"
   "web_results": [
         "position": 1,
         "title": "Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino - Official Site",
         "link": "",
         "displayed_link": "›paris-las-vegas",
         "snippet": "Continue Destination Paris Las Vegas Check-In Thu, Dec 2, 2021 Check-Out Sat, Dec 4, 2021 BOOK NOW Best... at Paris Las Vegas, where thrills ignite center-Strip. View All Deals Shows and Attractions Cyber deals up to 50% off Make your stay complete. Get great deals on the best Las Vegas...more Shop Now Paris Las Vegas Hotel... ..."
         "position": 2,
         "title": "파리시청",
         "link": "",
         "displayed_link": "",
         "snippet": "프랑스 파리 소개, 경제, 문화, 교육, 환경 등 관련정보 제공, 프랑스어 페이지."
         "position": 3,
         "title": "Vogue France | News Mode, Beauté, Culture...Découvrez les dernières....",
         "link": "",
         "displayed_link": "",
         "snippet": "Défilés, mode, beauté, joaillerie, culture, sorties… Suivez toutes les dernières news et trouvez l'inspiration grâce aux sélections de la rédaction."
   "shopping_results": [
         "position": 1,
         "title": "[히든포레스트마켓] PARIS Sweatshirt_Melange Gray",
         "link": "",
         "thumbnail": "",
         "price": 89100,
         "stores": "광고광고 노출기준은 검색어에 대한 연관성과광고주의 입찰가입니다.정보확인 레이어 닫기29CM"
         "position": 2,
         "title": "[시야쥬] SI TP 5044 Paris Sweat shirt_Light melange",
         "link": "",
         "thumbnail": "",
         "price": 78300,
         "stores": "광고광고 노출기준은 검색어에 대한 연관성과광고주의 입찰가입니다.정보확인 레이어 닫기29CM"
         "position": 3,
         "title": "JEIKEI DB 파리스후드양기모맨투맨 JLNTS1014B",
         "link": "",
         "thumbnail": "",
         "price": 38590,
         "stores": "판매처 64"
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