Google Perspectives API

For some searches, Google search includes the "Perspectives" block. SerpApi is able to scrape, extract, and make sense of this information.

API Examples

Results for: Black Friday

Results for: Black Friday

Code to integrate

  • require 'google_search_results' 
    params = {
      q: "Black Friday",
      hl: "en",
      gl: "us",
      api_key: "secret_api_key"
    search =
    perspectives = search.get_hash[:perspectives]

JSON Example

  "perspectives": [
      "author": "Barbara Krasnoff",
      "source": "The Verge",
      "thumbnails": [
      "title": "The best Cyber Monday deals for some of The Verge staff's favorite stuff",
      "snippet": "Black Friday may be in the past, but Cyber Monday sales are still underway (although not for long). For more deals we recommend across all...",
      "link": "",
      "date": "5 hours ago"
      "author": "Die, Workwear! —",
      "thumbnails": [
      "title": "A Dozen Great Black Friday Sales — Die, Workwear!",
      "snippet": "You used to have to muscle your way into stores and stand in long lines to take advantage of Black Friday promotions.",
      "link": "",
      "date": "3 days ago"
      "author": "Gerald Ortiz",
      "source": "GQ",
      "thumbnails": [
      "title": "72 Best Cyber Monday Clothing Deals 2023: Every Menswear Sale We've Found So Far",
      "snippet": "All the best men's Cyber Monday clothing deals 2023 has to offer—including jackets, sweaters, and watches—are here to jolt you out of your weekend food...",
      "link": "",
      "date": "1 day ago"

Mobile results for: Elon Musk with author_description

Mobile results for: Elon Musk with author_description

Code to integrate

  • require 'google_search_results' 
    params = {
      q: "Elon Musk",
      hl: "en",
      gl: "us",
      device: "mobile",
      api_key: "secret_api_key"
    search =
    perspectives = search.get_hash[:perspectives]

JSON Example

  "perspectives": [
      "author": "Jessica Karl",
      "author_description": "News Opinion Columnist",
      "source": "",
      "thumbnails": [
      "title": "Elon Musk's PR Stunt Won't Help Netanyahu",
      "link": "",
      "date": "12 hours ago"
      "author": "Zeeshan Aleem",
      "source": "MSNBC",
      "thumbnails": [
      "title": "Elon Musk's newest defamation lawsuit highlights X's toxicity",
      "link": "",
      "date": "1 day ago"
      "author": "Martin",
      "author_description": "Tech news site The Information former New York operations director",
      "source": "The Information",
      "thumbnails": [
      "title": "Israel Gets Sensible and Thoughtful Musk — The Information",
      "link": "",
      "date": "10 hours ago"

Results for: how to make friends in a new city

Results for: how to make friends in a new city

Code to integrate

  • require 'google_search_results' 
    params = {
      q: "how to make friends in a new city",
      hl: "en",
      gl: "us",
      api_key: "secret_api_key"
    search =
    perspectives = search.get_hash[:perspectives]

JSON Example

  "perspectives": [
      "author": "YR Media",
      "source": "YouTube",
      "duration": "1:21",
      "extensions": [
        "20+ views"
      "thumbnails": [
      "title": "How to Make Friends In a New City",
      "link": "",
      "date": "4mo",
      "video": ""
      "source": "Quora",
      "title": "Is it easier to make friends in New York where I'll move to next month than in Ohio? New York has an array of personalities.",
      "snippet": "The smartest way to make friends when moving to a new city is to join Meetup. Fill out the info requested and you are en route to meeting people ...",
      "link": ""
      "author": "Cole Hastings",
      "source": "YouTube",
      "duration": "10:06",
      "extensions": [
        "176.4K+ views"
      "thumbnails": [
      "title": "Trying To Make Friends In A Brand New City",
      "link": "",
      "date": "1y",
      "video": ""
  "perspectives_link": "",
  "perspectives_serpapi_link": "",

SerpApi results for ""