Apple App Store Search Scraper API
SerpApi’s Apple App Store Scraper API allows you to scrape app names, supported platforms (e.g. iOS App Store Support), release notes, etc. in an easy-to-understand JSON format.
API endpoint allows you to scrape Apple App Store via our web scraping API service. Head to the Playground for a live and interactive demo.
API Parameters
Parameter defines the country to use for the search. It's a two-letter country code. (e.g., us
(default) for the United States, uk
for United Kingdom, or fr
for France). Head to the Apple Regions for a full list of supported Apple Regions
Parameter defines the language to use for the search. It's a four-letter country code. (e.g., en-us
(default) for the English, fr-fr
for French, or uk-ua
for Ukranian). Head to the Apple Languages for a full list of supported Apple Languages
Advanced Parameters
Serpapi Parameters
Parameter will force SerpApi to fetch the App Store Search results even if a cached version is already present. A cache is served only if the query and all parameters are exactly the same. Cache expires after 1h. Cached searches are free, and are not counted towards your searches per month. It can be set to false
(default) to allow results from the cache, or true
to disallow results from the cache. no_cache and async parameters should not be used together.
Parameter defines the way you want to submit your search to SerpApi. It can be set to false
(default) to open an HTTP connection and keep it open until you got your search results, or true
to just submit your search to SerpApi and retrieve them later. In this case, you'll need to use our Searches Archive API to retrieve your results. async and no_cache parameters should not be used together. async should not be used on accounts with Ludicrous Speed enabled.
Enterprise only. Parameter enables ZeroTrace mode. It can be set to false
(default) or true
. Enable this mode to skip storing search parameters, search files, and search metadata on our servers. This may make debugging more difficult.
API Results
JSON Results
JSON output includes structured data for Organic Results.
A search status is accessible through search_metadata.status
. It flows this way: Processing
-> Success
|| Error
. If a search has failed, the error
will contain an error message.
is the search ID inside SerpApi.
HTML Results
HTML output is useful to debug JSON results or support features not supported yet by SerpApi. HTML output gives you the raw HTML result from Apple Store.
This API does not have the HTML response, just a text. search_metadata.prettify_html_file
contains prettified version of the result. It is displayed in the playground.
API Examples
JSON structure overview
"organic_results": [
"position": "Integer - Position of the App. (Ex. 1)",
"id": "Integer - Unique app id that helps you lookup more of the app details in other engines. (Ex. 1339438881)",
"title": "String - Title of the app. (Ex. Easy CSV Editor)",
"bundle_id": "String - Unique bundle id. Usually reversed version of the app's website. (Ex.",
"version": "String - Version Number of the app. (Ex. 6.4.6)",
"vpp_license": "Boolean - Apple VPP (Volume Purchase Program) License. It allows bussinesses to buy the app in sums. (Ex. true)",
"age_rating": "String - Age Rating. (Ex. 7+)",
"release_note": "String - Latest software update release notes. (Ex. Supercharge your worksheets with fourteen new text and array functions in Excel.)",
"minimum_os_version": "String - Minimum OS version needed to install apps. (Ex. 12.0)",
"description": "String - Description of the app. (Ex. Learn Python Data Scraping, Automation Algorithms, BeautifulSoup, Pandas Dataframes, Numpy, Machine Learning, Sentiment Analysis and many other topics in details with easy to understand tutorial videos.)",
"game_center_enabled": "Boolean - Apple Game Center availability. It lets users play with other friends on the platform with their identity. (Ex. false)",
"link": "String - Product page of the app, former iTunes Store link. (Ex.",
"serpapi_product_link": "String - Link to SerpApi’s App Store Product Page Scraper API that allows you to scrape data from product web pages containing deeper information about the app. (Ex.",
"serpapi_reviews_link": "String - Link to SerpApi's App Store Reviews Scraper API that lets you to scrape App Store Reviews. (Ex:",
"release_date": "String - Release Date of the app (Ex. 2018-02-06 04:02:02 UTC)",
"latest_version_release_date": "String - Release Date of the latest version of the app (Ex. 2023-02-06 04:02:02 UTC)",
"price": {
"type": "String - Price Type of the Product. Could be 'Free', 'Paid', or 'Free Trial'",
"amount": "Integer or Float - Price amount of the app. Not returned if it is a free app. (Ex. 4.99)",
"currency": "String - Three letter abbreviation of the currency. (Ex. USD)",
"symbol": "String - Symbol of the currency (Ex. $)"
"rating": [
"type": "String - Type of the rating. It could be for all times, or from the latest update etc. (Ex. All Times)",
"rating": "Float - Average rating of the app. (Ex. 4.6)",
"count": "Integer - Total number of reviews. (Ex. 5016)"
"genres": [
"name": "String - Genre of the app. (Ex. Productivity)",
"id": "Integer - Unique identifying number of the genre. (Ex. 6023)",
"primary": "Boolean - If the genre is primary genre of the app or not. (Ex. true)"
"developer": {
"name": "String - Developer Name. (Ex. Apple Inc.)",
"id": "Integer - Unique developer id. (Ex. 1291620790)",
"link": "String - Developer page. (Ex."
"size_in_bytes": "Integer - Size of the app in bytes. (Ex. 80698368)",
"supported_languages": [
"String - Two letter abbreviation of the supported language. (Ex. EN)",
"screenshots": {
"iphone_screenshots": [
"link": "String - Link of the screenshot. (Ex.",
"size": "String - Size of the image. (Ex. 392x696)"
"logos": [
"size": "String - Size of the logo. (Ex. 60x60)",
"link": "String - Link of the logo. (Ex."
"features": [
"String - Supported functionality features. (Ex. iosUniversal)"
"advisories": [
"String - Advisory text. (Ex. Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence)"
"supported_devices": [
"String - Supported device. (Ex. iPhone5s)",
Apple App Store search results for term: TestFlight

"search_metadata": {
"id": "633c2fa65fc49335001c4e91",
"status": "Success",
"json_endpoint": "",
"created_at": "2022-10-04 13:05:42 UTC",
"processed_at": "2022-10-04 13:05:42 UTC",
"apple_app_store_url": "",
"raw_html_file": "",
"prettify_html_file": "",
"total_time_taken": 0.75
"search_parameters": {
"engine": "apple_app_store",
"term": "TestFlight",
"country": "us",
"lang": "en-us",
"device": "mobile",
"num": "10",
"page": "0"
"search_information": {
"organic_results_state": "Results for exact spelling",
"results_count": 10
"organic_results": [
"position": 1,
"id": 899247664,
"title": "TestFlight",
"bundle_id": "",
"version": "3.2.2",
"vpp_license": true,
"age_rating": "4+",
"release_note": "This update includes stability improvements and bug fixes.",
"seller_link": "",
"minimum_os_version": "13.0",
"description": "TestFlight makes it easy to test beta versions of iOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps and App Clips, then provide valuable feedback to developers before they release their apps on the App Store. Developers invite testers through email or a public link. When you test a beta app or App Clip, Apple collects and sends crash logs, usage information, and any feedback you submit to the developer. The developer may use this information to improve their app and related products. Apple may use crash logs and usage information to improve our products and services. For instructions on installation, testing, and feedback submission and for details on how your data is handled, see",
"game_center_enabled": false,
"link": "",
"serpapi_product_page_url": "",
"serpapi_reviews_url": "",
"release_date": "2014-07-23 19:48:08 UTC",
"latest_version_release_date": "2021-09-13 17:10:31 UTC",
"price": {
"type": "Free"
"rating": [
"type": "All Times",
"rating": 4.74,
"count": 647785
"genres": [
"name": "Developer Tools",
"id": 6026,
"primary": true
"developer": {
"name": "Apple",
"id": 284417353,
"link": ""
"size_in_bytes": 12296192,
"supported_languages": [
"screenshots": {
"general": [
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"link": ""
"size": "100x100",
"link": ""
"features": [
"supported_devices": [
"serpapi_pagination": {
"current": "",
"next": ""
Apple App Store search results for term: Netflix
, and device: tablet

"search_metadata": {
"id": "634fe17c2c0844e27287e464",
"status": "Success",
"json_endpoint": "",
"created_at": "2022-10-19 11:37:32 UTC",
"processed_at": "2022-10-19 11:37:32 UTC",
"apple_app_store_url": "",
"raw_html_file": "",
"prettify_html_file": "",
"total_time_taken": 0.97
"search_parameters": {
"engine": "apple_app_store",
"term": "Netfix",
"country": "us",
"lang": "en-us",
"device": "tablet",
"num": "10",
"page": "0"
"search_information": {
"organic_results_state": "Results for exact spelling",
"results_count": 10
"organic_results": [
"position": 1,
"id": 363590051,
"title": "Netflix",
"bundle_id": "",
"version": "15.4",
"vpp_license": true,
"age_rating": "12+",
"release_note": "We’re working on the app experience. You work on what, when, and how you watch next. That's equally as important. We know you have choices. In this release, we made gallery improvements so it’s easier to find the perfect thing to watch.",
"seller_link": "",
"minimum_os_version": "15.0",
"description": "Looking for the most talked about TV shows and movies from around the world? They’re all on Netflix. We’ve got award-winning series, movies, documentaries, and stand-up specials. And with the mobile app, you get Netflix while you travel, commute, or just take a break. What you’ll love about Netflix: • We add TV shows and movies all the time. Browse new titles or search for your favorites, and stream videos right on your device. • The more you watch, the better Netflix gets at recommending TV shows and movies you’ll love. • Create up to five profiles for an account. Profiles give different members of your household their own personalized Netflix. • Enjoy a safe watching experience just for kids with family-friendly entertainment. • Preview quick videos of our series and movies and get notifications for new episodes and releases. • Save your data. Download titles to your mobile device and watch offline, wherever you are. Netflix membership is a month-to-month subscription that begins at sign up. You can easily cancel anytime, online, 24 hours a day. There are no long-term contracts or cancellation fees. We just want you to love what you watch. Please note that the App Privacy information applies to information collected through the Netflix iOS, iPadOS and tvOS apps. See the Netflix Privacy Statement (link below) to learn more about information we collect in other contexts, including account registration. Privacy policy: Terms of use:",
"game_center_enabled": false,
"link": "",
"serpapi_product_link": "",
"serpapi_reviews_link": "",
"release_date": "2010-04-01 20:41:34 UTC",
"latest_version_release_date": "2021-09-18 18:51:56 UTC",
"price": {
"type": "Free"
"rating": [
"type": "All Times",
"rating": 3.75,
"count": 328110
"genres": [
"name": "Entertainment",
"id": 6016,
"primary": true
"name": "Lifestyle",
"id": 6012,
"primary": false
"developer": {
"name": "Netflix, Inc.",
"id": 363590054,
"link": ""
"size_in_bytes": 143715328,
"supported_languages": [
"screenshots": {
"ipad": [
"link": "",
"size": "552x414"
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"size": "552x414"
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"size": "552x414"
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"size": "60x60",
"link": ""
"size": "512x512",
"link": ""
"size": "100x100",
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"features": [
"advisories": [
"Infrequent/Mild Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or References",
"Infrequent/Mild Sexual Content and Nudity",
"Infrequent/Mild Horror/Fear Themes",
"supported_devices": [
"serpapi_pagination": {
"current": "",
"next": ""
Apple App Store search results for term: CheatSheet
, and device: desktop

"search_metadata": {
"id": "634fe3079b64727cfefbefab",
"status": "Success",
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"created_at": "2022-10-19 11:44:07 UTC",
"processed_at": "2022-10-19 11:44:07 UTC",
"apple_app_store_url": "",
"raw_html_file": "",
"prettify_html_file": "",
"total_time_taken": 0.92
"search_parameters": {
"engine": "apple_app_store",
"term": "CheatSheet",
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"page": "0"
"search_information": {
"organic_results_state": "Results for exact spelling",
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"organic_results": [
"position": 1,
"id": 1468213484,
"title": "Cheatsheet Notes",
"bundle_id": "",
"version": "4.5.2",
"vpp_license": true,
"age_rating": "4+",
"release_note": "Automatic Backups — when you have Sync enabled, all your data will periodically be backed-up on your device. Browse, restore, or disable backups using File > Show Automatic Backups. Also fixed a few bugs.",
"seller_link": "",
"minimum_os_version": "11.3",
"description": "Cheatsheet is for the little things you never remember: hotel rooms, license plates, luggage combination, ID numbers. Write them down in Cheatsheet and then refer to them anytime with the iOS, Watch, and Mac apps. Everything syncs to all your devices* via iCloud. On Mac, quickly reference or copy your cheats from the menu bar, or look them up in a Notification Center widget or via Shortcuts (macOS 12+) On iOS, Cheatsheet is as easy as swiping right on your lock screen, pulling up the keyboard, or glancing at your Apple Watch. Cheatsheet for iOS also supports Shortcuts, Siri, and Home Screen widgets. * Sync with iOS devices requires Cheatsheet Pro for iOS, which is a separate in-app purchase in the iOS app.",
"link": "",
"serpapi_product_link": "",
"serpapi_reviews_link": "",
"release_date": "2019-10-07 07:00:00 UTC",
"latest_version_release_date": "2021-08-15 21:17:16 UTC",
"price": {
"type": "Paid",
"amount": 7.99,
"currency": "USD",
"currency_symbol": "$"
"rating": [
"type": "All Times",
"rating": 0,
"count": 0
"genres": [
"name": "Productivity",
"id": 6007,
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"name": "Utilities",
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"id": 914665832,
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Apple App Store search results for term: Ubisoft
and property: developer
(Apps by Developer)

"search_metadata": {
"id": "634fe46b33b2368cf994528b",
"status": "Success",
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"created_at": "2022-10-19 11:50:03 UTC",
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"title": "Ubisoft Connect",
"bundle_id": "UBI-024-WW",
"version": "9.0.1",
"vpp_license": true,
"age_rating": "12+",
"release_note": "Significant performance improvement. New landing page: -Profile -News -Friends’ status and activities -Your activity Feed -Last Played game New Help feature for Rainbow Six Siege, Rainbow Six Extraction, Far Cry 6, Riders Republic, and Roller Champion Brand new “Gift to Friends” feature. Gift Rainbow Six season passes to friends! General bug fixes",
"seller_link": "",
"minimum_os_version": "12.0",
"description": "Access all services related to Ubisoft games with the new Ubisoft Connect companion App. JOIN THE COMMUNITY OF UBISOFT PLAYERS - Connect with all players, across all platforms, on all games - See what your friends are playing, check their achievements, and make new connections PLAY MORE, GET MORE - Enhance your playing experience with game-specific challenges you can track in the app - Unlock unique rewards: weapons, character outfits, emotes, consumables, and more - Earn XP and increase your Ubisoft Connect level to collect Units you can spend on unique rewards and discounts KNOW MORE AND IMPROVE - Access your game stats and performances at anytime. - Compare yourself with your friends, no matter which platform they play on - Get Smart Intel to improve your gaming sessions and sharpen your skills - Stay up to date with news and events for your favorite games thanks to our feed Looking forward to seeing you in the Ubisoft community!",
"game_center_enabled": false,
"link": "",
"serpapi_product_link": "",
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"release_date": "2010-11-30 19:47:29 UTC",
"latest_version_release_date": "2021-09-05 13:13:13 UTC",
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"Infrequent/Mild Simulated Gambling",
"Infrequent/Mild Sexual Content and Nudity",
"supported_devices": [
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"next": ""