Baidu Documents Results API

For some searches, Baidu includes a "Documents" block, containing documents from Baidu Wenku. SerpApi is able to scrape, extract, and make sense of this information. When a Baidu search contains documents results, they are parsed and exist within the documents_results array in the JSON output. SerpApi is able to extract title, link, snippet, reads, and total_pages for each documents result.

API Examples

JSON structure overview

  "documents_results": [
      "title": "String - Document title",
      "link": "String - URL to the document",
      "snippet": "String - Optional snippet of the document",
      "reads": "Integer - Read count of the document",
      "total_pages": "Integer - Total pages of the document"

Mobile Results for: 专利模板

Mobile Results for: 专利模板

JSON Example

  "documents_results": [
      "link": "",
      "title": "(完整版)专利申请模板",
      "snippet": "专利名称: 申报类别(发明、实用新型、外观设计): 摘要: 1、说明书摘要文字部分应当写明发明或者实用新型的名称和所属的技术领域,清楚反 映所...",
      "reads": 5242,
      "total_pages": 6
      "link": "",
      "title": "专利撰写模板",
      "reads": 22,
      "total_pages": 8
      "link": "",
      "title": "发明专利撰写模板五篇",
      "reads": 2237,
      "total_pages": 44
      "link": "",
      "title": "(完整版)专利申请模板.doc",
      "reads": 475,
      "total_pages": 6