Google Flights Results API
SerpApi is able to scrape, extract, and make sense of Google Flights Results.
We add them to our JSON output as the array best_flights
and other_flights
JSON structure overview
"best_flights": [
// best_flights is not always returned
"flights": [
"departure_airport": {
"name": "String - Departure airport name",
"id": "String - Departure airport code",
"time": "String - Departure time"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "String - Arrival airport name",
"id": "String - Arrival airport code",
"time": "String - Arrival time"
"duration": "Integer - Flight duration, in minutes",
"airplane": "String - Airplane model",
"airline": "String - Name of the airline",
"airline_logo": "String - URL to the logo of the airline",
"travel_class": "String - Travel class",
"flight_number": "String - The flight number",
"extensions": "Array - A list of flight features",
"ticket_also_sold_by": "Array - A list of other sellers",
"legroom": "String - The legroom, including unit",
"overnight": "Boolean - Returns 'true' if the flight is overnight",
"often_delayed_by_over_30_min": "Boolean - Returns 'true' if the flight is often delayed by 30+ min.",
"plane_and_crew_by": "String - Information about operating airline that provides the plane and the crew",
"layovers": [
"duration": "Integer - Duration of the layover, in minutes",
"name": "String - Name of the airport for the layover",
"id": "String - The airport code for the layover",
"overnight": "Boolean - Returns 'true' if the layover is overnight",
"total_duration": "Integer - Total minutes of all flights and layovers",
"carbon_emissions": {
"this_flight": "Integer - The amount of carbon emissions of the flight, in grams",
"typical_for_this_route": "Integer - Typical amount of carbon emissions for the route, in grams",
"difference_percent": "Integer - The carbon emissions difference between the flight and typical value, in percent",
"price": "Integer - This ticket price in the selected currency, the default currency is USD",
"type": "String - The type of the flight. It's a reflection of the request parameter `type`",
"airline_logo": "String - URL to the logo of mixed airlines",
"extensions": "Array - A list of features of the entire flight",
"departure_token": "String - The token for retrieving returning flights when the flight type is 'Round trip'",
"booking_token": "String - The token for retrieving booking options for selected flights",
"other_flights": [
// The same structure as best_flights
// When the results are not separated into best_flights and other_flights, they are in other_flights
Example with best flights and other flights

"best_flights": [
"flights": [
"departure_airport": {
"name": "Beijing Capital International Airport",
"id": "PEK",
"time": "2023-10-03 15:10"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "Haneda Airport",
"id": "HND",
"time": "2023-10-03 19:35"
"duration": 205,
"airplane": "Boeing 787",
"airline": "ANA",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Economy",
"flight_number": "NH 962",
"legroom": "31 in",
"extensions": [
"Average legroom (31 in)",
"Wi-Fi for a fee",
"In-seat power & USB outlets",
"On-demand video",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 133 kg"
"departure_airport": {
"name": "Haneda Airport",
"id": "HND",
"time": "2023-10-03 21:05"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "Los Angeles International Airport",
"id": "LAX",
"time": "2023-10-03 15:10"
"duration": 605,
"airplane": "Boeing 787",
"airline": "ANA",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Economy",
"flight_number": "NH 126",
"ticket_also_sold_by": [
"legroom": "32 in",
"extensions": [
"Above average legroom (32 in)",
"In-seat power & USB outlets",
"On-demand video",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 836 kg"
"overnight": true
"departure_airport": {
"name": "Los Angeles International Airport",
"id": "LAX",
"time": "2023-10-03 19:01"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "Austin-Bergstrom International Airport",
"id": "AUS",
"time": "2023-10-03 23:59"
"duration": 178,
"airplane": "Boeing 737MAX 9 Passenger",
"airline": "United",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Economy",
"flight_number": "UA 2175",
"legroom": "30 in",
"extensions": [
"Average legroom (30 in)",
"Wi-Fi for a fee",
"In-seat power outlet",
"Stream media to your device",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 135 kg"
"layovers": [
"duration": 90,
"name": "Haneda Airport",
"id": "HND"
"duration": 231,
"name": "Los Angeles International Airport",
"id": "LAX"
"total_duration": 1309,
"carbon_emissions": {
"this_flight": 1106000,
"typical_for_this_route": 949000,
"difference_percent": 17
"price": 2512,
"type": "Round trip",
"airline_logo": "",
"departure_token": "W1siUEVLIiwiMjAyMy0xMC0wMyIsIkhORCIsbnVsbCwiTkgiLCI5NjIiXSxbIkhORCIsIjIwMjMtMTAtMDMiLCJMQVgiLG51bGwsIk5IIiwiMTI2Il0sWyJMQVgiLCIyMDIzLTEwLTAzIiwiQVVTIixudWxsLCJVQSIsIjIxNzUiXV0="
"flights": [
"departure_airport": {
"name": "Beijing Capital International Airport",
"id": "PEK",
"time": "2023-10-03 10:40"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "Incheon International Airport",
"id": "ICN",
"time": "2023-10-03 13:50"
"duration": 130,
"airplane": "Airbus A330",
"airline": "Asiana",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Economy",
"flight_number": "OZ 332",
"legroom": "32 in",
"extensions": [
"Above average legroom (32 in)",
"In-seat power outlet",
"On-demand video",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 84 kg"
"departure_airport": {
"name": "Incheon International Airport",
"id": "ICN",
"time": "2023-10-03 20:55"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "San Francisco International Airport",
"id": "SFO",
"time": "2023-10-03 15:30"
"duration": 635,
"airplane": "Airbus A350",
"airline": "Asiana",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Economy",
"flight_number": "OZ 212",
"legroom": "32 in",
"extensions": [
"Above average legroom (32 in)",
"Wi-Fi for a fee",
"In-seat power & USB outlets",
"On-demand video",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 619 kg"
"overnight": true,
"often_delayed_by_over_30_min": true
"departure_airport": {
"name": "San Francisco International Airport",
"id": "SFO",
"time": "2023-10-04 07:40"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "Austin-Bergstrom International Airport",
"id": "AUS",
"time": "2023-10-04 13:10"
"duration": 210,
"airplane": "Boeing 737",
"airline": "Alaska",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Economy",
"flight_number": "AS 512",
"legroom": "31 in",
"extensions": [
"Average legroom (31 in)",
"Wi-Fi for a fee",
"In-seat power & USB outlets",
"Stream media to your device",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 175 kg"
"layovers": [
"duration": 425,
"name": "Incheon International Airport",
"id": "ICN"
"duration": 970,
"name": "San Francisco International Airport",
"id": "SFO",
"overnight": true
"total_duration": 2370,
"carbon_emissions": {
"this_flight": 880000,
"typical_for_this_route": 949000,
"difference_percent": -7
"price": 2513,
"type": "Round trip",
"airline_logo": "",
"departure_token": "W1siUEVLIiwiMjAyMy0xMC0wMyIsIklDTiIsbnVsbCwiT1oiLCIzMzIiXSxbIklDTiIsIjIwMjMtMTAtMDMiLCJTRk8iLG51bGwsIk9aIiwiMjEyIl0sWyJTRk8iLCIyMDIzLTEwLTA0IiwiQVVTIixudWxsLCJBUyIsIjUxMiJdXQ=="
"other_flights": [
"flights": [
"departure_airport": {
"name": "Beijing Capital International Airport",
"id": "PEK",
"time": "2023-10-03 18:30"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "Incheon International Airport",
"id": "ICN",
"time": "2023-10-03 21:40"
"duration": 130,
"airplane": "Boeing 737MAX 8 Passenger",
"airline": "Korean Air",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Economy",
"flight_number": "KE 860",
"legroom": "31 in",
"extensions": [
"Average legroom (31 in)",
"Wi-Fi for a fee",
"In-seat power & USB outlets",
"Stream media to your device",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 81 kg"
"departure_airport": {
"name": "Incheon International Airport",
"id": "ICN",
"time": "2023-10-04 09:20"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport",
"id": "DFW",
"time": "2023-10-04 08:00"
"duration": 760,
"airplane": "Boeing 787",
"airline": "Korean Air",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Economy",
"flight_number": "KE 31",
"legroom": "33 in",
"extensions": [
"Above average legroom (33 in)",
"In-seat power & USB outlets",
"On-demand video",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 807 kg"
"overnight": true
"departure_airport": {
"name": "Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport",
"id": "DFW",
"time": "2023-10-04 09:35"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "Austin-Bergstrom International Airport",
"id": "AUS",
"time": "2023-10-04 10:40"
"duration": 65,
"airplane": "Embraer 175",
"airline": "American",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Economy",
"flight_number": "AA 3489",
"legroom": "30 in",
"extensions": [
"Average legroom (30 in)",
"Wi-Fi for a fee",
"In-seat power & USB outlets",
"Stream media to your device",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 60 kg"
"layovers": [
"duration": 700,
"name": "Incheon International Airport",
"id": "ICN",
"overnight": true
"duration": 95,
"name": "Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport",
"id": "DFW"
"total_duration": 1750,
"carbon_emissions": {
"this_flight": 949000,
"typical_for_this_route": 949000,
"difference_percent": 0
"price": 3521,
"type": "Round trip",
"airline_logo": "",
"departure_token": "W1siUEVLIiwiMjAyMy0xMC0wMyIsIklDTiIsbnVsbCwiS0UiLCI4NjAiXSxbIklDTiIsIjIwMjMtMTAtMDQiLCJERlciLG51bGwsIktFIiwiMzEiXSxbIkRGVyIsIjIwMjMtMTAtMDQiLCJBVVMiLG51bGwsIkFBIiwiMzQ4OSJdXQ=="
Example without best flights

"other_flights": [
"flights": [
"departure_airport": {
"name": "Beijing Capital International Airport",
"id": "PEK",
"time": "2023-10-26 00:40"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "Dubai International Airport",
"id": "DXB",
"time": "2023-10-26 05:00"
"duration": 500,
"airplane": "Airbus A380",
"airline": "Emirates",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "First Class",
"flight_number": "EK 307",
"extensions": [
"Individual suite",
"Wi-Fi for a fee",
"In-seat power & USB outlets",
"On-demand video",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 2058 kg"
"overnight": true
"departure_airport": {
"name": "Dubai International Airport",
"id": "DXB",
"time": "2023-10-26 12:00"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "Istanbul Airport",
"id": "IST",
"time": "2023-10-26 15:55"
"duration": 295,
"airplane": "Boeing 737MAX 8 Passenger",
"airline": "flydubai",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Business Class",
"flight_number": "FZ 727",
"ticket_also_sold_by": [
"extensions": [
"Lie flat seat",
"In-seat power & USB outlets",
"On-demand video",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 264 kg"
"layovers": [
"duration": 420,
"name": "Dubai International Airport",
"id": "DXB"
"total_duration": 1215,
"carbon_emissions": {
"this_flight": 2324000,
"typical_for_this_route": 2861000,
"difference_percent": -19
"price": 10474,
"type": "Round trip",
"airline_logo": "",
"departure_token": "W1siUEVLIiwiMjAyMy0xMC0yNiIsIkRYQiIsbnVsbCwiRUsiLCIzMDciXSxbIkRYQiIsIjIwMjMtMTAtMjYiLCJJU1QiLG51bGwsIkZaIiwiNzI3Il1d"
"flights": [
"departure_airport": {
"name": "Beijing Capital International Airport",
"id": "PEK",
"time": "2023-10-26 07:25"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "Dubai International Airport",
"id": "DXB",
"time": "2023-10-26 11:35"
"duration": 490,
"airplane": "Airbus A380",
"airline": "Emirates",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "First Class",
"flight_number": "EK 309",
"extensions": [
"Individual suite",
"Wi-Fi for a fee",
"In-seat power & USB outlets",
"On-demand video",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 2058 kg"
"often_delayed_by_over_30_min": true
"departure_airport": {
"name": "Dubai International Airport",
"id": "DXB",
"time": "2023-10-26 21:00"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "Istanbul Airport",
"id": "IST",
"time": "2023-10-27 00:55"
"duration": 295,
"airplane": "Boeing 737MAX 8 Passenger",
"airline": "flydubai",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Business Class",
"flight_number": "FZ 755",
"ticket_also_sold_by": [
"extensions": [
"Lie flat seat",
"In-seat power & USB outlets",
"On-demand video",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 264 kg"
"layovers": [
"duration": 565,
"name": "Dubai International Airport",
"id": "DXB"
"total_duration": 1350,
"carbon_emissions": {
"this_flight": 2324000,
"typical_for_this_route": 2861000,
"difference_percent": -19
"price": 10474,
"type": "Round trip",
"airline_logo": "",
"departure_token": "W1siUEVLIiwiMjAyMy0xMC0yNiIsIkRYQiIsbnVsbCwiRUsiLCIzMDkiXSxbIkRYQiIsIjIwMjMtMTAtMjYiLCJJU1QiLG51bGwsIkZaIiwiNzU1Il1d"
Example for returning flights with booking token

"best_flights": [
"flights": [
"departure_airport": {
"name": "Los Angeles International Airport",
"id": "LAX",
"time": "2023-10-07 13:05"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "Narita International Airport",
"id": "NRT",
"time": "2023-10-08 16:40"
"duration": 695,
"airplane": "Boeing 787",
"airline": "JAL",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Economy",
"flight_number": "JL 61",
"ticket_also_sold_by": [
"legroom": "33 in",
"extensions": [
"Above average legroom (33 in)",
"Wi-Fi for a fee",
"In-seat power & USB outlets",
"On-demand video",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 807 kg"
"total_duration": 695,
"carbon_emissions": {
"this_flight": 808000,
"typical_for_this_route": 615000,
"difference_percent": 31
"price": 1862,
"type": "Round trip",
"airline_logo": "",
"other_flights": [
"flights": [
"departure_airport": {
"name": "Los Angeles International Airport",
"id": "LAX",
"time": "2023-10-07 17:15"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "Seattle-Tacoma International Airport",
"id": "SEA",
"time": "2023-10-07 20:08"
"duration": 173,
"airplane": "Embraer 175",
"airline": "American",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Economy",
"flight_number": "AA 4868",
"legroom": "30 in",
"extensions": [
"Average legroom (30 in)",
"Wi-Fi for a fee",
"In-seat power & USB outlets",
"Stream media to your device",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 158 kg"
"departure_airport": {
"name": "Seattle-Tacoma International Airport",
"id": "SEA",
"time": "2023-10-08 13:30"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "Narita International Airport",
"id": "NRT",
"time": "2023-10-09 16:25"
"duration": 655,
"airplane": "Boeing 767",
"airline": "JAL",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Economy",
"flight_number": "JL 67",
"ticket_also_sold_by": [
"legroom": "33 in",
"extensions": [
"Above average legroom (33 in)",
"Wi-Fi for a fee",
"In-seat power & USB outlets",
"On-demand video",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 814 kg"
"layovers": [
"duration": 1042,
"name": "Seattle-Tacoma International Airport",
"id": "SEA",
"overnight": true
"total_duration": 1870,
"carbon_emissions": {
"this_flight": 973000,
"typical_for_this_route": 615000,
"difference_percent": 58
"price": 1736,
"type": "Round trip",
"airline_logo": "",
Example for flights with "Plane and crew by ..." information

"best_flights": [
"flights": [
"departure_airport": {
"name": "Paine Field",
"id": "PAE",
"time": "2025-04-10 14:49"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "San Francisco International Airport",
"id": "SFO",
"time": "2025-04-10 16:57"
"duration": 128,
"airplane": "Embraer 175",
"airline": "Alaska",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Economy",
"flight_number": "AS 2334",
"ticket_also_sold_by": [
"legroom": "31 in",
"extensions": [
"Average legroom (31 in)",
"Wi-Fi for a fee",
"Stream media to your device",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 159 kg"
"plane_and_crew_by": "Horizon Air as Alaska Horizon"
"departure_airport": {
"name": "San Francisco International Airport",
"id": "SFO",
"time": "2025-04-10 19:59"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "San Diego International Airport",
"id": "SAN",
"time": "2025-04-10 21:38"
"duration": 99,
"airplane": "Embraer 175",
"airline": "Alaska",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Economy",
"flight_number": "AS 3455",
"ticket_also_sold_by": [
"legroom": "31 in",
"extensions": [
"Average legroom (31 in)",
"Wi-Fi for a fee",
"Stream media to your device",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 119 kg"
"plane_and_crew_by": "SkyWest Airlines as Alaska SkyWest"
"departure_airport": {
"name": "San Diego International Airport",
"id": "SAN",
"time": "2025-04-10 22:39"
"arrival_airport": {
"name": "John F. Kennedy International Airport",
"id": "JFK",
"time": "2025-04-11 06:59"
"duration": 320,
"airplane": "Boeing 737",
"airline": "Alaska",
"airline_logo": "",
"travel_class": "Economy",
"flight_number": "AS 36",
"ticket_also_sold_by": [
"legroom": "31 in",
"extensions": [
"Average legroom (31 in)",
"Wi-Fi for a fee",
"In-seat power & USB outlets",
"Stream media to your device",
"Carbon emissions estimate: 292 kg"
"overnight": true
"layovers": [
"duration": 182,
"name": "San Francisco International Airport",
"id": "SFO"
"duration": 61,
"name": "San Diego International Airport",
"id": "SAN"
"total_duration": 790,
"carbon_emissions": {
"this_flight": 572000,
"typical_for_this_route": 298000,
"difference_percent": 92
"price": 618,
"type": "Round trip",
"airline_logo": "",
"extensions": [
"Checked baggage for a fee",
"Bag and fare conditions depend on the return flight"