Account API

Account API allows you to check the number of searches you made in this month, your plan's monthly limit, your plan's monthly searches left, your account's hourly throughput limit, and if you have an account with no monthly plan then you can also check the remaining credits. Account API is free of charge, and using it will not be counted toward your monthly quota.

You can query using a GET request with these parameters:

API Parameters



Parameter is your SerpApi private key. You should be able to retrieve it inside the 'Your Account' tab.

API Examples

Account API example

JSON Example

  "account_id": "5ac54d6adefb2f1dba1663f5",
  "api_key": "SECRET_API_KEY",
  "account_email": "",
  "plan_id": "bigdata",
  "plan_name": "Big Data Plan",
  "plan_monthly_price": 250.0,
  "searches_per_month": 30000,
  "plan_searches_left": 5958,
  "extra_credits": 0,
  "total_searches_left": 5958,
  "this_month_usage": 24042,
  "last_hour_searches": 42,
  "account_rate_limit_per_hour": 6000