Google Local "Places" Results API

The Google Local "Places" Results API allows a user to scrape the results of Google Places search. SerpApi is able to make sense of this information and extract title, reviews, ratings, price, type, address, description, review, hours, thumbnail, gps_coordinates, place_id, links and more.

JSON structure overview

  "local_map": {
    "image": "String - URL to the image"
  "local_results": [
      "position": "Integer - Place position",
      "title": "String - Place title",
      "rating": "Float - Place rating",
      "reviews_original": "String - Place review count",
      "reviews": "Integer - Place review count",
      "price": "String - Place price point",
      "type": "String - Place type",
      "address": "String - Place address",
      "hours": "String - Place working hours",
      "description": "String - Description or short review of a place",
      "place_id": "String - Google CID (customer identifier) of a place",
      "place_id_search": "String - URL to the SerpApi search",
      "provider_id": "String - Provider ID of the place",
      "lsig": "String - Aditional ID of a place",
      "thumbnail": "String - URL to the image thumbnail",
      "extensions": "Array - Additional information to the place",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": "Numeric - Place latitude",
        "longitude": "Numeric - Place longitude"
      "links": "Hash - Action URL, e.g. directions, website, order, phone, schedule",
      "service_options": {
        "dine_in": "Boolean - Determine whether the place allow dine-in",
        "takeout": "Boolean - Determine whether the place allow takeout"

Results for: Coffee

Results for: Coffee

JSON Example

  "local_results": [
      "position": 1,
      "title": "Houndstooth Coffee",
      "rating": 4.6,
      "reviews_original": "(862)",
      "reviews": 862,
      "price": "$$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "401 Congress Ave. #100c · In Frost Bank Tower",
      "description": "Cozy hangout for carefully sourced brews",
      "place_id": "11265938073076301333",
      "place_id_search": "",
      "lsig": "AB86z5Vdw6C2pJpM0xQ6JUx2KONU",
      "thumbnail": "<URL to image>",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 30.266398999999996,
        "longitude": -97.742779
      "position": 2,
      "title": "Progress Coffee",
      "rating": 5,
      "reviews_original": "(4)",
      "reviews": 4,
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "515 Congress Ave. · In the Bank of America Financial Center",
      "place_id": "1973998765368382603",
      "place_id_search": "",
      "lsig": "AB86z5UihdVRxPqHoVsdxHlX9u_z",
      "thumbnail": "<URL to image>",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 30.267741599999997,
        "longitude": -97.74260389999999
      "service_options": {
        "dine_in": true,
        "takeout": true
      "position": 3,
      "title": "Starbucks",
      "rating": 4.3,
      "reviews_original": "(488)",
      "reviews": 488,
      "price": "$$",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "301 W 3rd St",
      "description": "Iconic Seattle-based coffeehouse chain",
      "place_id": "14343056409938523336",
      "place_id_search": "",
      "lsig": "AB86z5VlzJFxycG7xUXBLf12UDjN",
      "thumbnail": "<URL to image>",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 30.265863000000003,
        "longitude": -97.74649199999999

Results for: Coffee (mobile)

Results for: Coffee (mobile)

JSON Example

  "local_map": {
    "image": ""
  "local_results": [
      "position": 1,
      "title": "Houndstooth Coffee",
      "rating": 4.6,
      "reviews_original": "(862)",
      "reviews": 862,
      "price": "$$",
      "address": "401 Congress Ave. #100c",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "description": "Cozy hangout for carefully sourced brews",
      "place_id": "11265938073076301333",
      "place_id_search": "",
      "lsig": "AB86z5WAwZ6EQxM6P9ZAHqnLlPp2",
      "images": [
      "links": {
        "phone": "+15123946051",
        "directions": ",+401+Congress+Ave.+%23100c,+Austin,+TX+78701/data=!4m6!4m5!1m1!4e2!1m2!1m1!1s0x8644b50847967b9f:0x9c58a6fceb42fe15?entry=s&sa=X&hl=en&gl=us"
      "position": 2,
      "title": "Progress Coffee",
      "rating": 5,
      "reviews_original": "(4)",
      "reviews": 4,
      "address": "515 Congress Ave.",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "place_id": "1973998765368382603",
      "place_id_search": "",
      "lsig": "AB86z5Vgm9PIfiTDMS_8Z3VZNXAm",
      "images": [
      "service_options": {
        "dine_in": true,
        "takeout": true
      "links": {
        "directions": ",+515+Congress+Ave.,+Austin,+TX+78701/data=!4m6!4m5!1m1!4e2!1m2!1m1!1s0x8644b538620ec6dd:0x1b650d6b1cd7948b?entry=s&sa=X&hl=en&gl=us",
        "order": ",AH,SOE"
      "position": 3,
      "title": "The Hideout Coffee House",
      "rating": 4.4,
      "reviews_original": "(452)",
      "reviews": 452,
      "price": "$",
      "address": "617 Congress Ave.",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "description": "Area institution with a theater upstairs",
      "place_id": "15498522356495312950",
      "place_id_search": "",
      "lsig": "AB86z5UgUFSFJo4bxVHuQ_dMtn-7",
      "images": [
      "links": {
        "phone": "+15124761313",
        "directions": ",+617+Congress+Ave.,+Austin,+TX+78701/data=!4m6!4m5!1m1!4e2!1m2!1m1!1s0x8644b509dc5317d5:0xd715cff7f25a6836?entry=s&sa=X&hl=en&gl=us",
        "order": ",AH,SOE"

Results with extensions

Results with extensions

JSON Example

  "local_results": [
      "position": 19,
      "rating": 3.0,
      "reviews_original": "(2)",
      "reviews": 2,
      "place_id": "6279182528142398096",
      "place_id_search": "",
      "provider_id": "/m/04g3gxf",
      "lsig": "AB86z5WaScbiSb4mZsqYMrTBQ6ws",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 30.273577600000003,
        "longitude": -97.7006447
      "links": {
        "website": "",
        "directions": ",+3000+Oak+Springs+Dr+Suite+200,+Austin,+TX+78702/data=!4m6!4m5!1m1!4e2!1m2!1m1!1s0x8644b57581278a93:0x5724233da5c45290?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwil2IS9gMqAAxWrh-4BHeQ9C2kQ48ADegQIBhAA&hl=en&gl=us"
      "title": "Lone Star Circle of Care at Oak Springs",
      "type": "Medical clinic",
      "address": "3000 Oak Springs Dr Suite 200",
      "phone": "(877) 800-5722",
      "hours": "Closed ⋅ Opens 8 AM",
      "extensions": [
        "Medicare/Medicaid accepted",
        "Free or low-cost care",
        "Has online care"
      "position": 20,
      "rating": 3.6,
      "reviews_original": "(700)",
      "reviews": 700,
      "place_id": "1180798402976466894",
      "place_id_search": "",
      "provider_id": "/g/11fk1qdxcx",
      "lsig": "AB86z5WwMuiF4PHmzgSmYGJ9Plzj",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 30.27651,
        "longitude": -97.73383520000002
      "links": {
        "website": "",
        "directions": ",+1500+Red+River+St,+Austin,+TX+78701/data=!4m6!4m5!1m1!4e2!1m2!1m1!1s0x8644b5a27ba55557:0x106309e430c2c7ce?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwil2IS9gMqAAxWrh-4BHeQ9C2kQ48ADegQICRAA&hl=en&gl=us"
      "title": "Dell Seton Medical Center at The University of Texas",
      "type": "Hospital",
      "address": "1500 Red River St",
      "phone": "(512) 324-7000",
      "hours": "Open 24 hours",
      "extensions": [
        "Medicare/Medicaid accepted",
        "Has online care"

Results requested with ludocid

The data_cid gathered from our Google Maps Local Results API can be used as ludocid in the Google Local Results API.

Results requested with ludocid

JSON Example

  "local_results": [
      "position": 1,
      "rating": 4.1,
      "reviews_original": "(1.1K)",
      "reviews": 1100,
      "price": "$$",
      "place_id": "11859840425088059614",
      "place_id_search": "",
      "lsig": "AB86z5WkM5El4xKH_xwD9BA_zMCz",
      "provider_id": "/g/11xdfwq9f",
      "gps_coordinates": {
        "latitude": 40.747737799999996,
        "longitude": -73.98907659999999
      "links": {
        "website": "",
        "directions": ",+874+6th+Ave,+New+York,+NY+10001/data=!4m6!4m5!1m1!4e2!1m2!1m1!1s0x89c259af336b3341:0xa4969e07ce3108de?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiskdWNzPyBAxWTLFkFHZxFASAQ48ADegQIARAA&hl=en&gl=us"
      "title": "Gregorys Coffee",
      "type": "Coffee shop",
      "address": "874 6th Ave",
      "phone": "(877) 231-7619",
      "hours": "Closed ⋅ Opens 6:30 AM"