Compared to our more popular scrapers like Google, SerpApi also handles scraping for YouTube. When you sign up for a plan with SerpApi you can scrape any of the mentioned API’s in our documentation: One successful search can be used on a single Google page, Yahoo, Youtube, and anything else that is listed on our docs!
Now, there’s no need to introduce YouTube and what it does. But the breakdown and analytics of one of the most visited websites is pretty astonishing. Taken from YouTube’s Wikipedia:
Youtube is an American online video sharing and social media platform owned by Google. It was launched in February 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim. It is the second most visited website, with more than one billion monthly users[7] who collectively watch more than one billion hours of videos each day.[8] As of May 2019, videos were being uploaded at a rate of more than 500 hours of content per minute
To provide an investigation for anyone interested in this enormous engine, let’s go ahead and breakdown the search, results, and the different parameters that can be found on the Playground.

YouTube has less parameters than our other engines, but that is not to discredit the kind of customization you can achieve.

You can see an option to change the localization and language results with the gl
and hl
parameters. (Much like it's parent companies parameters Google).
And then there is advanced search sp
for filtering. Here’s the full breakdown of the parameter:
Parameter can be used for pagination. Youtube uses continuous pagination and the next page token can be found in the SerpApi JSON response serpapi_pagination -> next_page_token and pagination -> next_page_token fields.
Parameter can also be used to filter the search results:
by Upload date, you need to set the sp parameter toCAI%3D
by 4K, you need to set the sp parameter toEgJwAQ%3D%3D
It can also be used for forcing the exact search query spelling by setting the sp value toQgIIAQ%3D%3D
If you are interested in passing other filters, you can visit the YouTube website, set filters you want and simply copy sp value from their URL to SerpApi URL.
So it is a bit of a catch all for pagination, filtered and spelling search query.
Switching up the hl
and gl
on certain queries does not provide a huge shift in results. And although I can’t speak on behalf of YouTube’s algorithm, the results seem to be very based in American culture with English speaking results.
I switched the hl
and gl
to German and Germany and still retrieved American/English results:

Here’s a breakdown of the JSON response and data set for the results:

Above has the standard SerpApi results within the search_metadata
and then video_resultspeople_also_watchedplaylist_results
that are specific to YouTube.

And there’s great data found within each one of these video_results
The possibilities are endless with the work that can be done with this data. Enjoy your searching and scraping!
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