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Choose the plan that suits you best.
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Use SERP data to automate your business needs.
Bare-metal-like performance. Zero compromise.
Explore plansWith Ludicrous Speed Max, experience no slowdowns, no compromises—just pure speed and bulletproof resilience against disruptions.
Ludicrous Speed Max is able to provide faster response times even against our Ludicrous Speed offering. (n = 10,000, lower is better)
Ludicrous Speed Max really shines for p95, p99, and even p99.9 response times. You won’t leave one single search behind. (n = 10,000, lower is better)
Keep benefiting from our exceptional 100% success rate, while your Ludicrous Speed Max searches take precedence over Best Effort and Ludicrous Speed searches.
With Ludicrous Speed Max enabled, we use 4x the server resources to automatically create numerous parallel requests compared to our already aggressive Ludicrous Speed SerpApi. Our advanced validators reject bad HTMLs, CAPTCHA and error pages, and other abnormalities, ensuring you receive only successful results quickly and efficiently.