When you start a new business, how can you approach your clients? Having a targeted list of potential clients can make your life simpler.

In this tutorial, we can run a case when you want to get 500 restaurants, bars, pubs, alongside a location with website and phone information.

More than that, I'll guide you on how to get emails and you can send your cold mail to gain a success rate.

Scraping quality results is not easy, but SerpApi makes it easier and more accessible to us. Let's start with Google Maps results.

Setting up a SerpApi account

SerpApi offers a free plan for newly created accounts. Head to the sign-up page to register an account and complete your first search with our interactive playground. When you want to do more searches with us, please visit the pricing page.

Once you are familiar with all results, you can utilize SERP APIs using your API Key.

Scrape your first 60 Restaurant results with SerpApi

Head to the Google Maps Results from the documentation on SerpApi for details.

This tutorial will scrape the list of restaurants in Sydney, Australia. You can visit Google Maps search to see the list.

Link: https://www.google.com/maps/search/restaurant/@-33.8651304,151.1939402,15z?entry=ttu

The location will be @-33.8651304,151.1939402,15z (Townhall, Sydney, Australia).

Google also returns basic information of businesses:

When searching with SerpApi, you can have them all:

SerpApi Playground - SerpApi
Test SerpApi’s Google Search, Google Maps, YouTube, Bing, Walmart, Ebay, Baidu, Yandex and more APIs for free in the interactive playground!

Based on Google policy, Google doesn't publish the email of the business. But most of the time, we can visit the restaurant's website and get contact information. For e.g, I visit https://swillhouse.com/venues/restaurant-hubert/

Let's do this step by step.

First, you need to install the SerpApi client library.

pip install google-search-results

Set up the SerpApi credentials and search.

import serpapi, os, json

params = {
    'api_key': 'YOUR_API_KEY',         # your serpapi api
    'engine': 'google_maps',           # SerpApi search engine	
    'q': 'Restaurant',
    'll': '@-33.8651304,151.1939402,15z'

To retrieve a list of Restaurants, you can use the following code:

results = serpapi.Client().search(params)["local_results"]

You can store Restaurant JSON data in databases or export them to a CSV file.

import csv

header = ['position', 'title', 'place_id', 'address', 'website', 'phone']

with open('google_maps_results.csv', 'w', encoding='UTF8', newline='') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)


    for item in results:
        writer.writerow([item.get('position'), item.get('title'), item.get('place_id'), item.get('address'), item.get('website'), item.get('phone')])

No-code approach with SerpApi

If you don't want to code, SerpApi also has a Google Sheet Plugin, you just need to input your SerpApi api_key and you get your results:

Clone this Google Sheet template: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OXqATnTahjNCJ3MJ9D2If1GU5eVZiljYOIyLv72bADc/edit#gid=1524491998

Then install our Google Sheet plugin:

SerpApi - Search Engine Results and Ranks - Google Workspace Marketplace
Get your web site search rank or extract search results using localized searches on Google, Bing, Baidu and more.. This add-on allow advanced analysis of search engine without any programming skills.

Update the SerpApi "api_key"

In the next blog post, I'll guide you on how to get email addresses, contact information, social media links, and extra phone numbers from here.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.