
In this blog post, we'll go through the process of extracting data from Google Maps Locals results using Python. You can look at the complete code in the online IDE (Replit).

If you prefer video format, we have a dedicated video that shows how to do that:

What will be scraped


Why using API?

There're a couple of reasons that may use API, ours in particular:

  • No need to create a parser from scratch and maintain it.
  • Bypass blocks from Google: solve CAPTCHA or solve IP blocks.
  • Pay for proxies, and CAPTCHA solvers.
  • Don't need to use browser automation.

SerpApi handles everything on the backend with fast response times under ~2.5 seconds (~1.2 seconds with Ludicrous speed) per request and without browser automation, which becomes much faster. Response times and status rates are shown under SerpApi Status page.


Full Code

Here is the code implementation using Python (using our GoogleSearch library).

If you want to use our new Python Library instead, feel free to read: Scrape Google Maps data and reviews using Python

If you just need to extract all available data about the place, then we can create an empty list and then extend extracted data to it:

from serpapi import GoogleSearch
from urllib.parse import urlsplit, parse_qsl
import json

params = {
    'api_key': '...',                       #
    'engine': 'google_maps',                # SerpApi search engine	
    'q': 'coffee',                          # query
    'll': '@40.7455096,-74.0083012,15.1z',  # GPS coordinates
    'type': 'search',                       # list of results for the query
    'hl': 'en',                             # language
    'start': 0,                             # pagination

search = GoogleSearch(params)               # where data extraction happens on the backend

local_results = []

# pagination
while True:
    results = search.get_dict()             # JSON -> Python dict

    # title = results['local_results']['title']

    if 'next' in results.get('serpapi_pagination', {}):
        search.params_dict.update(dict(parse_qsl(urlsplit(results.get('serpapi_pagination', {}).get('next')).query)))

print(json.dumps(local_results, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))


Install library:

pip install google-search-results

google-search-results is a SerpApi API package.

Code Explanation

Import libraries:

from serpapi import GoogleSearch
from urllib.parse import urlsplit, parse_qsl
import json
Library Purpose
GoogleSearch to scrape and parse Google results using SerpApi web scraping library.
urlsplit this should generally be used instead of urlparse() if the more recent URL syntax allowing parameters to be applied to each segment of the path portion of the URL (see RFC 2396) is wanted.
parse_qsl to parse a query string given as a string argument.
json to convert extracted data to a JSON object.

At the beginning of the code, parameters are defined for generating the URL. If you want to pass other parameters to the URL, you can do so using the params dictionary:

params = {
    'api_key': '...',                       #
    'engine': 'google_maps',                # SerpApi search engine	
    'q': 'coffee',                          # query
    'll': '@40.7455096,-74.0083012,15.1z',  # GPS coordinates
    'type': 'search',                       # list of results for the query
    'hl': 'en',                             # language
    'start': 0,                             # pagination
Parameters Explanation
api_key Parameter defines the SerpApi private key to use.
engine Set parameter to google_maps to use the Google Maps API engine.
q Parameter defines the query you want to search. You can use anything that you would use in a regular Google Maps search.
ll Parameter defines GPS coordinates of location where you want your q (query) to be applied.
type Parameter defines the type of search you want to make. search - returns a list of results for the set q parameter.
hl Parameter defines the language to use for the Google Maps search. It's a two-letter language code. (e.g., en for English, es for Spanish, or fr for French). Head to the Google languages page for a full list of supported Google languages.
start Parameter defines the result offset. It skips the given number of results. It's used for pagination. (e.g., 0 (default) is the first page of results, 20 is the 2nd page of results, 40 is the 3rd page of results, etc.).

📌Note: The q and ll parameters are only required if type is set to search.

Additionally, I want to talk about the value that is written to the ll parameter. The value must be built in the following sequence:

@ + latitude + , + longitude + , + zoom

This will form a string that looks like this:


The zoom parameter is optional but recommended for higher precision (it ranges from 3z, map completely zoomed out - to 21z, map completely zoomed in).

You can find the value of the ll parameter in the URL for the local results you need:,-74.0083012,15z?hl=en

Then, we create a search object where the data is retrieved from the SerpApi backend:

search = GoogleSearch(params)   # where data extraction happens on the backend

Declaring the local_results list where the extracted data will be added:

local_results = []

Need to extract all local results considering pagination.

In the while loop, we get data from JSON and write it to the results dictionary:

while True:
    results = search.get_dict()     # JSON -> Python dict

Then we check if the next page exists. If so, then we update the JSON data in the search object for the next page. Else, we break the loop:

if 'next' in results.get('serpapi_pagination', {}):
    search.params_dict.update(dict(parse_qsl(urlsplit(results.get('serpapi_pagination', {}).get('next')).query)))

Expanding the local_results list with new data from this page:


After the all data is retrieved, it is output in JSON format:

print(json.dumps(local_results, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))


    "position": 1,
    "title": "Stumptown Coffee Roasters",
    "place_id": "ChIJT2h1HKZZwokR0kgzEtsa03k",
    "data_id": "0x89c259a61c75684f:0x79d31adb123348d2",
    "data_cid": "8778389626880739538",
    "reviews_link": "",
    "photos_link": "",
    "gps_coordinates": {
      "latitude": 40.7457399,
      "longitude": -73.9882272
    "place_id_search": "",
    "rating": 4.5,
    "reviews": 1371,
    "price": "$$",
    "type": "Coffee shop",
    "address": "18 W 29th St, New York, NY 10001",
    "open_state": "Closed ⋅ Opens 6:30AM Fri",
    "hours": "Closed ⋅ Opens 6:30AM Fri",
    "operating_hours": {
      "thursday": "7AM–2PM",
      "friday": "6:30AM–5PM",
      "saturday": "7AM–5PM",
      "sunday": "7AM–5PM",
      "monday": "6:30AM–5PM",
      "tuesday": "6:30AM–5PM",
      "wednesday": "6:30AM–5PM"
    "phone": "(855) 711-3385",
    "website": "",
    "description": "Coffee bar serving direct-trade java. Coffee bar chain offering house-roasted direct-trade coffee, along with brewing gear & whole beans",
    "service_options": {
      "dine_in": true,
      "takeout": true,
      "delivery": false
    "thumbnail": ""
  ... other local results

📌Note: You can view playground or check the output. This way you will be able to understand what keys you can use in this JSON structure to get the data you need.

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