How to Scrape Yahoo Search Results

Yahoo search results offer significant value for both individuals and businesses, e.g. Yahoo Trending search results provide valuable insights into the latest trends, consumer behavior, and popular topics. Scraping Yahoo search results can help drive growth and success by identifying opportunities for content creation, conducting market research, improving SEO strategies, and performing competitive analyses.

SerpApi is a reliable provider of high-quality APIs, used for web scraping content from Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, eBay, and other similar search engines. Our Yahoo Search engine contains Ads results, Shopping results, Images results, Videos results, Related questions, the latest trending results, Organic results, and more. SerpApi will take care of everything related to proxies, bypassing the captcha, user-agent, and parsing HTML to JSON, so you can avoid the risk of being detected and blocked by Yahoo while scraping large amounts of data. This allows you to focus on your business.

Setting up a SerpApi account

SerpApi offers a free plan for newly created accounts. Head to the sign-up page to register an account and make your first search with our interactive playground.

Once familiar with all results, you can utilize SERP APIs using your API Key.

Scrape your first Yahoo data with SerpApi

Yahoo Search results are straightforward. Head to the Yahoo search results documentation on SerpApi for details. In this tutorial, we will scrape the Yahoo trending search results, which contain position, title, link, and trending.

Yahoo! search engine document

We will be using Ruby in this example, and the process is similar to other languages like Python, Node, Java, Javascript, etc.

First, you need to install the SerpApi client in your Gemfile.

gem 'google_search_results'

Then install the gem.

bundle install

Set up the SerpApi credentials and search.

require 'google_search_results'

YahooSearch.api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
search = "search query")

puts search.get_hash

To retrieve the Yahoo Trending Results for a given search query, you can use the following code:

results = search.get_hash[:trending_searches][:results]

You can store Yahoo Trending Results in databases or export them to a CSV file.

require 'csv'"trending_searches.csv", "w") do |csv|
  csv << ["position", "title", "link"]
  results.each do |trending|
    csv << [trending[:position], trending[:title], trending[:link]]

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.