XPath Selector Cheat Sheet: Practical Examples Included

Welcome to our quick guide on XPath selectors! XPath can help you pull specific information from websites. This post will explain the basics of XPath in easy-to-understand terms, giving you the tools to start scraping effectively.

XPath Cheat Sheet illustration

What is XPath?

XPath stands for XML Path Language, a tool used to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML document. It allows you to query and select parts of an XML document, such as HTML pages, based on specific criteria, like an element's name, position, or content. This makes XPath very useful for tasks like web scraping, where you must extract particular information from web pages.

XPath is used on several scraping tools, including:

The other option is to parse an HTML document using css selector. Use XPath over CSS selectors when you need to perform complex queries that involve navigating the DOM non-linearly.

XPath Cheat Sheet

Here is the XPath Cheat Sheet for you:

Basic syntax for selecting nodes

  • / - Selects from the root node
    • Example: /html selects the root <html> element of the document.
  • // - Selects nodes from the current node that match the selection no matter where they are
    • Example: //div selects all <div> elements throughout the entire document, regardless of their location.
  • . - Selects the current node
    • Example: Suppose you are inside a loop processing <div> elements, using . would select the current <div> element being processed.
  • .. - Selects the parent of the current node
    • Example: ./.. selects the parent of the current node. If you are currently on a <span> inside a <div>, ./.. would select the <div>.
  • @ - Selects attributes
    • Example: //@href selects all href attributes of anchor tags <a> throughout the document.
  • nodename - Selects all nodes with the name "nodename" / tagname
    • Example: //p selects all <p> (paragraph) elements in the document.

Each of these examples showcases how to use XPath selectors to target specific parts of an XML or HTML document effectively, each serving different needs in data extraction or document navigation.

Predicates - to refine your selection

  • [n] - Selects the nth element (1-based index)
    • Example: //li[3] selects the third <li> element in any list on the document.
  • [position() = n] - Same as above
    • Example: //(ul/li)[position() = 2] selects the second <li> element within each <ul> element.
  • [last()] - Selects the last element
    • Example: //li[last()] selects the last <li> element within each list.
  • [attribute = 'value'] - Selects all elements with a given attribute value
    • Example: //*[@id='uniqueElement'] selects all elements with an id attribute equal to "uniqueElement".
  • [contains(attribute, 'text')] - Selects elements with an attribute containing 'text'
    • Example: //div[contains(@class, 'note')] selects all <div> elements whose class attribute contains the word "note".
  • [not(predicate)] - Selects elements while excluding the predicate
    • Example: //input[not(@type='hidden')] selects all <input> elements that do not have a type attribute of "hidden".
  • [starts-with(attribute, 'text')] - Selects elements where the attribute starts with 'text'
    • Example: //a[starts-with(@href, 'http')] selects all <a> elements where the href attribute starts with "http".


  • ancestor:: - Selects all ancestors (parent, grandparent, etc.)
    • Example: //span[@class='highlight']/ancestor::div selects all <div> ancestors of <span> elements with the class "highlight".
  • descendant:: - Selects all descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.)
    • Example: //div[@id='content']/descendant::p selects all <p> elements that are descendants of the <div> element with the ID "content".
  • following:: - Selects everything in the document after the closing tag of the current node
    • Example: //h2[@id='section1']/following::p selects all <p> elements in the document that come after an <h2> element with the ID "section1".
  • preceding:: - Selects all nodes that appear before the current node in the document
    • Example: //h2[@id='section2']/preceding::p selects all <p> elements that appear before an <h2> element with the ID "section2".
  • following-sibling:: - Selects all siblings after the current node
    • Example: //h2[@id='header']/following-sibling::div selects all <div> siblings that follow an <h2> element with the ID "header".
  • preceding-sibling:: - Selects all siblings before the current node
    • Example: //h2[@id='header']/preceding-sibling::div selects all <div> siblings that precede an <h2> element with the ID "header".
  • child:: - Selects all direct children of the current node (additional useful axis)
    • Example: //div[@class='container']/child::p selects all <p> elements that are direct children of <div> elements with the class "container".
  • parent:: - Selects the parent of the current node (to complete the navigation possibilities)
    • Example: //span[@class='highlight']/parent::div selects the <div> parent of each <span> with the class "highlight".


  • * - Matches any element node
    • Example: //* selects all elements in the document.
    • Example: /html/body/* selects all child elements of the <body> tag, regardless of their tag name.
  • @* - Matches any attribute node
    • Example: //@* selects all attributes of all elements in the document.
    • Example: //div[@*] selects all <div> elements that have any attribute.
  • node() - Matches any node of any kind
    • Example: //body/node() selects all child nodes of the <body> tag, including elements, text nodes, and possibly others like comments.
    • Example: //div/p/node() selects all child nodes of every <p> element that is a child of a <div>, encompassing text nodes, element nodes, and other types.


  • text() - Selects the text content of nodes. Useful for cases where you want to extract only the text within an element.
    Example: //p[text()='Hello World']
  • contains() - Returns true if the first argument string contains the second argument string.
    Example: //div[contains(@class, 'important')]
  • starts-with() - Returns true if the first argument string starts with the second argument string.
    Example: //div[starts-with(@id, 'prefix-')]
  • not() - Returns true if the argument is false. This is useful for negating a condition.
    Example: //input[not(@type='hidden')]
  • normalize-space() - Strips leading and trailing whitespace from a string and replaces sequences of whitespace characters by a single space. This is useful in cleaning up text.
    Example: //td[normalize-space(text())='Some text']
  • translate() - Replaces characters in a string. This is useful for case-insensitive searching or removing specific characters.
    Example: //text()[translate(., 'ABC', 'abc')='abc']
  • last() - Returns the position of the last node in the context node list. Useful for selecting the last item in a list or a series of elements.
    Example: //(ul/li)[last()]
  • position() - Returns the position of the current node in the context node list.
    Example: //(ul/li)[position() <= 3]
  • count() - Counts the number of nodes in the argument node-set.
    Example: //ul[count(li) > 3]
  • sum() - Returns the sum of the values of the nodes in the argument node-set.
    Example: sum(//input[@type='number']/@value)
  • floor(), ceil(), and round() - Numeric functions to round numbers down, up, or to the nearest integer, respectively.
    Example: //div[floor(@data-number) = 10]
  • boolean() - Converts the argument to a boolean value, where strings and numbers are true unless the string is empty or the number is zero.
    Example: //div[boolean(@attribute)]

Selecting Specific Nodes

  • By Tag Name:
    • //tagname - Selects all nodes with the name tagname
  • By Attribute:
    • //*[@attribute='value'] - Selects all elements that have the specified attribute with a certain value
  • By Partial Attribute:
    • //*[contains(@attribute, 'value')] - Selects elements that contain the specified value in the specified attribute

Time to practice

We can start practicing by using the browser console function $x() . It's available on Chrome and Firefox.

Right click > Inspect, and switch to console tab

Using XPath directly on browser console

You can explore any website you like; I'll be using the serpapi.com website.

Find all images using XPath

//img , wrapped in a double quote and $x function-> $x("//img")

example using XPath for finding images

Find emails with XPath

Let's find emails on a page. We're using a tag link that contains href attribute with mailto an attribute as a sign for email. You can look at each of the selected elements using the array order; in this case, we only got 1, so we're using [0] to retrieve the first result.

find emails with XPath

Find paragraphs that contain certain text

We can use the function to search for a keyword. In the first parameter, we use a dot sign . to search on the root or search anywhere in this case. The second parameter is the keyword we're looking for.

Find elements containing text with XPath

FAQs around XPath

  1. How can I use XPath to select elements based on text content?
    To select elements based on their text content, you can use the text() function in combination with the contains() function. For example, the XPath expression //p[contains(text(), 'important')] selects all <p> elements that contain the word "important" in their text.
  2. How can I use XPath to select siblings of a specific element?
    XPath provides functions to select siblings of an element. To select all following siblings of an element, you can use the following-sibling:: axis. For example, //h2[@id='intro']/following-sibling::p would select all <p> paragraph elements that follow an <h2> element with the id 'intro'. To select preceding siblings, use the preceding-sibling:: axis, such as //div[@id='footer']/preceding-sibling::div to select all <div> elements that precede a <div> with the id 'footer'.
  3. How do you select attributes with XPath?
    Attributes can be selected by using the @ symbol followed by the attribute name. For instance, to select the href attribute of all anchor tags in a document, you would use the XPath //a/@href. This is useful for extracting specific attribute values from elements.
  4. Can XPath be used to select elements that do not contain specific text?
    Yes, XPath allows you to select elements that do not contain specific text using the not() function along with contains(). For example, //div[not(contains(text(), 'exclude'))] would select all <div> elements that do not contain the text "exclude".
  5. How can I use XPath to select a specific element when there are multiple similar elements?
    You can refine your selection using predicates, including position or specific attribute values. For example, if you want to select the second <li> element from a list, you could use //ul/li[2]. Alternatively, if you need to select an element based on a unique attribute, you could use something like //input[@type='submit' and @value='Search'] selecting an input element specifically with the type 'submit' and value 'Search'.

w3 - XML Path language