Scrape DuckDuckGo Inline Images with Python

What will be scraped

DuckDuckGo Inline Images API

The difference that you'll see immediately is that API provides 30 results, rather than ~8-10 results as in the DIY solution below.

Alternatively, all that needs to be done is to iterate over structured JSON string without thinking about how to scrape data without rendering the page, or how to bypass blocks and taking time to maintain the parser.

import json
from serpapi import GoogleSearch

params = {
  "api_key": "...",          #
  "engine": "duckduckgo",
  "q": "elon musk dogecoin",
  "kl": "us-en"

search = GoogleSearch(params)
results = search.get_dict()

print(json.dumps(results['inline_images'], indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))

    "position": 1,
    "title": "'Dogefather' Elon Musk Tweets in Support of the ...",
    "link": "",
    "thumbnail": "",
    "image": ""
    "position": 20,
    "title": "Beware! Your love for Elon Musk and Dogecoin may land you ...",
    "link": "",
    "thumbnail": "",
    "image": ""


The process is very much like other DuckDuckGo blog posts from our series.

Selecting container, title, link, thumbnail, image URL CSS selectors from which the .get_attribute() method will be used to grab data-id, src, and href attributes.

SelectorGadget Chrome extension was used in the GIF above to select CSS selectors.


from selenium import webdriver
import re, urllib.parse

driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='path/to/chromedriver.exe')
driver.get(' musk dogecoin&kl=us-en&ia=web')

for result in driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('.js-images-link'):
    title = result.find_element_by_css_selector('.js-images-link a img').get_attribute('alt')
    link = result.find_element_by_css_selector('.js-images-link a').get_attribute('href')
    thumbnail_encoded = result.find_element_by_css_selector('.js-images-link a img').get_attribute('src')
    match_thumbnail_urls = ''.join(re.findall(r'https\:\/\/external\-content\.duckduckgo\.com\/iu\/\?u\=(.*)&f=1', thumbnail_encoded))
    thumbnail = urllib.parse.unquote(match_thumbnail_urls).replace('&h=160', '')
    image = result.get_attribute('data-id')



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