No code Google Ads Transparency center scraper
Google Ads Transparency Center allows marketer to monitor their or competitors ads on Google. Here at SerpApi, we provide an API to retrieve the search results programmatically.
Scrape the search results
If you want to scrape this programmatically, here is a blog post by my colleague, Martin:
If you're not a developer or prefer a no-code solution, we want to introduce you to our new Google Ads Transparency Center Scraper:
You just need to add the advertiser ID or the ads text on the form, before receiving the search results in Excel file.
Using the Google Ads Transparency Center API, you can retrieve the advertiser information, ads format, image, first and last shown, and the link to the creative assets. Unfortunately, Google provides a redirect link like the text below instead of the actual link:
Retrieve direct media links
We received a couple of requests where people want to retrieve the direct media link instead of the redirect
link that is provided by Google.
Code solution
Our colleague, Terry, wrote a blog post on how to retrieve the direct media link using Python and Javascript. You can read it here:
No Code solution
If you're looking for a no-code solution to retrieve the direct media link, here it is:
You need to upload the Excel file you previously retrieve from the basic scraper, after that our scraper will run the script in the background and provide you with the direct media link.
Here is how the result looks like:
Looking for more solution to learn about competitor's Google Ads strategy? Feel free to read our recommendations here:
I hope it helps!