Async Requests with SerpApi and Python


Async requests are necessary when you need to get a lot of data quickly or not in real time.

This blog post is about:

The subject of test: YouTube Search Engine Results API.

The test includes: 500 YouTube search requests, and extraction of the data.

What is Async parameter

We have a async parameter that tells SerpApi not to wait for the search to be completed, thus allowing to send more requests faster. The search will be sent and processed on the SerpApi backend.

After all requests have been sent, the data will be extracted from the Search Archive API and checked if the search succeeded or not.

📌Note: This blog post does not cover multithreading.

Time Comparison

Time was recorded using $ time python <>:

Type Sync requests Async requests (no pagination) % difference
real 13m 43.311s 5m 3.663s +36.88% increase
user 0m 5.942s 0m 11.222s -52.95% decrease
sys 0m 0.813s 0m 1.191s -68.26% decrease

SerpApi Sync Requests

from serpapi import YoutubeSearch
import json, re

# shortened for the sake of not making code very long
queries = [

data = []

for query in queries:
    params = {
        'api_key': '...',                 #
        'engine': 'youtube',              # search engine
        'device': 'desktop',              # device type
        'search_query': query,            # search query

    search = YoutubeSearch(params)       # where data extraction happens
    results = search.get_dict()          # JSON -> Python dict

    if 'error' in results:

    for result in results.get('video_results', []):
            'title': result.get('title'),
            'link': result.get('link'),
            'channel': result.get('channel').get('name'),

print(json.dumps(data, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))

Sync Code Explanation

Import libraries:

from serpapi import YoutubeSearch
import json, re

Create a list of search queries you want to search:

queries = [

Create a temporary list that will store extracted data:

data = []

Add a for loop to iterate over all queries, create SerpApi YouTube search parameters, and pass them YoutubeSearch which will make a request to SerpApi:

for query in queries:
    params = {
        'api_key': '...',                 #
        'engine': 'youtube',              # search engine
        'device': 'desktop',              # device type
        'search_query': query,            # search query

    search = YoutubeSearch(params)       # where data extraction happens
    results = search.get_dict()          # JSON -> Python dict

Check for 'errors', iterate over video results and extract needed data to the temporary list, and print it:

if 'error' in results:

for result in results.get('video_results', []):
        'title': result.get('title'),
        'link': result.get('link'),
        'channel': result.get('channel').get('name'),

print(json.dumps(data, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))

SerpApi Async Batch Requests without Pagination

from serpapi import YoutubeSearch
from urllib.parse import (parse_qsl, urlsplit)
from queue import Queue
import json, re

queries = [

search_queue = Queue()

for query in queries:
    params = {
        'api_key': '...',                 #
        'engine': 'youtube',              # search engine
        'device': 'desktop',              # device type
        'search_query': query,            # search query
        'async': True,                    # async batch requests

    search = YoutubeSearch(params)       # where data extraction happens
    results = search.get_dict()          # JSON -> Python dict
    if 'error' in results:

    print(f"add search to the queue with ID: {results['search_metadata']}")

data = []

while not search_queue.empty():
    result = search_queue.get()
    search_id = result['search_metadata']['id']

    print(f'Get search from archive: {search_id}')
    search_archived = search.get_search_archive(search_id)
    print(f"Search ID: {search_id}, Status: {search_archived['search_metadata']['status']}")

    if'Cached|Success', search_archived['search_metadata']['status']):
        for result in search_archived.get('video_results', []):
                'title': result.get('title'),
                'link': result.get('link'),
                'channel': result.get('channel').get('name'),
        print(f'Requeue search: {search_id}')
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))
print('all searches completed')

Async Batch Requests without Pagination Explanation

Same as before, import libraries (a few more):

from serpapi import YoutubeSearch
from urllib.parse import (parse_qsl, urlsplit)
from queue import Queue
import json, re

Create a list of search queries you want to search:

queries = [

Create a Queue to store all the requests that have been sent to SerpApi:

search_queue = Queue()

Iterate over all queries, create SerpApi YouTube search parameters with 'async': True parameter present. Check for errors and put() search in the queue:

for query in queries:
    params = {
        'api_key': '...',                 #
        'engine': 'youtube',              # search engine
        'device': 'desktop',              # device type
        'search_query': query,            # search query
        'async': True,                    # async batch requests

    search = YoutubeSearch(params)       # where data extraction happens
    results = search.get_dict()          # JSON -> Python dict
    if 'error' in results:

    print(f"add search to the queue with ID: {results['search_metadata']}")

Create a temporary list that will be used to store extracted data from the search archive API:

data = []

Iterate over all queue until it's empty() and get the data from search archive by accessing search ID:

while not search_queue.empty():
    result = search_queue.get()
    search_id = result['search_metadata']['id']

    print(f'Get search from archive: {search_id}')
    search_archived = search.get_search_archive(search_id)
    print(f"Search ID: {search_id}, Status: {search_archived['search_metadata']['status']}")

Check if the search is either cached or succeeded, if so, extract needed data, otherwise we need to requeue the result:

if'Cached|Success', search_archived['search_metadata']['status']):
    for result in search_archived.get('video_results', []):
            'title': result.get('title'),
            'link': result.get('link'),
            'channel': result.get('channel').get('name'),
    print(f'Requeue search: {search_id}')
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))
print('all searches completed')

That's basically it 🙂

To sum-up:

  1. Send all the requests and store them in the queue.
  2. When all requests have been sent, grab them one by one from the queue until the queue is empty.
  3. Extract search ID. The search ID will not be random, it will be the right one from the queue it was earlier stored.
  4. Check if the search has succeeded and extract the data. If not, requeue it.

What comes next

In the next blog post that will be specifically about Async requests using SerpApi, we'll cover the following:

  • how to speed up async requests i.e. multithreading Queue.
  • how to add pagination with async parameter.

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