Bing Inline Videos API

When a Bing search contains inline videos, they are parsed and exist within the inline_videos object in the JSON output. Inline videos can contain title, link, thumbnail, duration, views, date, platform, and channel. A videocard object is returned when the inline video results contain a highlighted video, see examples for more information.

API Examples

JSON structure overview

  "inline_videos": {
    "title": "String - Title of the inline videos section",
    "displayed_link": "String - Displayed link",
    "see_more_link": "String - Link to see more video results",
    "videocard": {
      "link": "String - Link to video search result",
      "source_link": "String - Link to video result on external platform",
      "thumbnail": "String - Link to the displayed thumbnail of the video",
      "title": "String - Title of video",
      "duration": "String - Duration of video",
      "views": "String - Number of views",
      "date": "String - Date of video. Possibly a relative date.",
      "platform": "String - Platform of video",
      "channel": "String - Channel within the platform of the video",
    "items": [
        "link": "String - Link to video search result",
        "source_link": "String - Link to video result on external platform",
        "thumbnail": "String - Link to the displayed thumbnail of the video",
        "title": "String - Title of video",
        "duration": "String - Duration of video",
        "views": "String - Number of views",
        "date": "String - Date of video. Possibly a relative date.",
        "platform": "String - Platform of video",
        "channel": "String - Channel within the platform of the video",

Inline Videos overview

Inline Videos overview

JSON Example

  "inline_videos": {
    "title": "Videos of Banana Recipes",
    "displayed_link": "",
    "see_more_link": "",
    "videocard": {
      "link": "",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "title": "Banana Bread Recipe",
      "duration": "6:11",
      "views": "1.1M views",
      "date": "Mar 16, 2021",
      "channel": "Preppy Kitchen",
    "items": [
        "position": 1,
        "link": "",
        "source_link": "",
        "thumbnail": "",
        "duration": "6:12",
        "title": "How To Make The Ultimate Banana Bread",
        "views": "1M views",
        "date": "Aug 12, 2021",
        "platform": "YouTube",
        "channel": "Tasty"
       "position": 2,
       "link": "",
       "source_link": "",
       "thumbnail": "",
       "duration": "4:05",
       "title": "Don't Waste Leftover Banana, Try This Easy And Delicious Recipe | Yummy",
       "views": "11M views",
       "date": "Aug 27, 2021",
       "platform": "YouTube",
       "channel": "Yummy"

Results for maldives

Results for maldives

JSON Example

  "inline_videos": {
    "title": "Videos of Maldives",
    "displayed_link": "",
    "see_more_link": "",
    "items": [
        "position": 1,
        "link": "",
        "source_link": "",
        "thumbnail": "",
        "duration": "1:29",
        "title": "Divers encounter whale and calf in the Maldives",
        "views": "1.1K views",
        "date": "10 hours ago",
        "platform": "Facebook",
        "channel": "ABC News"
        "position": 2,
        "link": "",
        "source_link": "",
        "thumbnail": "",
        "duration": "2:49",
        "title": "The World’s First Floating City In The Maldives | Forbes",
        "views": "14K views",
        "date": "3 months ago",
        "platform": "YouTube",
        "channel": "Forbes"

Results for formula 1 video highlights

Results for formula 1 video highlights

JSON Example

  "inline_videos": {
    "title": "Videos of FORMULA 1 Video Highlights",
    "displayed_link": "",
    "see_more_link": "",
    "items": [
        "position": 1,
        "link": "",
        "source_link": "",
        "thumbnail": "",
        "duration": "6:36",
        "title": "Race Highlights | 2022 Mexico City Grand Prix",
        "views": "4.2M views",
        "date": "2 days ago",
        "platform": "YouTube",
        "channel": "FORMULA 1"
        "position": 2,
        "link": "",
        "source_link": "",
        "thumbnail": "",
        "duration": "3:19",
        "title": "FP1 Highlights | 2022 Mexico City Grand Prix",
        "views": "2M views",
        "date": "4 days ago",
        "platform": "YouTube",
        "channel": "FORMULA 1"